
  1. 两个男人一面看着我,一面用胳膊肘顶顶对方,笑容里夹杂着一丝得意。

    Two men looked at me , nudged each other and smirked

  2. 顶顶要紧的是,你别去碰那些妖魔鬼怪的东西。

    And above all , don 't you HANDLE the witch-things .

  3. 基于三维有限元的六面顶顶锤应力分析

    Stress analysis on anvil of cubic press based on 3-D FEM

  4. 六面顶顶锤与预紧环的强度分析

    Strength Analysis of Anvil and Shrink Ring of Cubic Presses

  5. 谁也没想到他会有足够的勇气顶顶撞她。

    Nobody thought he would be brave enough to stand up to her .

  6. 走遍大地不稍停,留下白帽一顶顶。

    Goes all over the fields and leaves A white cap on every stump .

  7. 照片的中央,顶顶突出的位置,便是琼斯、艾伦森和卢瑟福那伙人。

    Prominent in the middle of the group were jones , aaronson , and rutherford .

  8. 顶顶健康,跺跺幸运。

    Vertex health , stomp lucky .

  9. 铜、锡以及二者的合金&青铜是顶顶重要的金属;

    Copper and tin and their alloy , bronze , were by far the most important .

  10. 真是糟透了,哈克,这样一类顶顶愚索的安排我从未见过。

    Why , drat it , Huck , it 's the stupidest arrangement I ever see .

  11. 在受地震影响的地区,一顶顶帐篷已经为需要临时住所的5000多人搭建起来。

    Tents have been erected in the affected areas for the over 5000 people in need of temporary housing .

  12. 你就不知道他是天地间顶顶忠实、顶顶可靠的家伙吗?你就不知道他有一个无可非议的好名誉吗?

    Do you know that he 's the honestest and faithfullest fellow that ever lived , and that he has an irreproachable good name ?

  13. 沿着保养区前行的过程中,你可以见到许多在世界航空界顶顶有名的新闻人物。

    As you walk along the flight line you 'll see many of the newsmakers and personalities who make the world of aviation so exciting .

  14. 还记得吗?军训场上的一顶顶红帽,阅兵场上嘹亮的口号,是的,从那时起,我们共同踏进了这片令人神往的天地

    Remember ? A military training ground Red Hat , parade field resonant slogan , yes , has since entered our common world of this fascinating

  15. 次子团可能不像黄金团那顶顶大名,但是他们几个世纪以来还是赢得了不少胜利的。

    The Second Sons might not enjoy the shining reputation of the Golden Company , but they had won some famous victories over the centuries .