
dǐng lóu
  • attic;garret;cockloft
顶楼[dǐng lóu]
  1. 鸽子从顶楼窗户里往外瞧。

    Pigeons peeped in from the window of the attic .

  2. 玛吉:我刚才到顶楼上去了。

    Maggie : Carol , I was just upstairs in the attic .

  3. 我从顶楼朝下看时感到头晕目眩。

    When I looked down from the top floor , I felt giddy .

  4. 我们在顶楼有供女人和孩子睡觉的地方。

    On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children .

  5. 屋漏使顶楼潮湿。

    Leakiness in the roof caused a damp attic .

  6. 最后,我最好的朋友兰斯问我:“伯克,你怎么不回答我们?你去哪了?”我告诉他们我一直沿着斜坡走,但却怎么也找不到顶楼,我觉得这有点诡异。我问他们为什么要问这个。

    Finally , my best friend , Lance , said , " Berk , why didn 't you answer us ? Where did you go ? " I answered that I just kept following the ramps but I could never find the top , which I found weird , why do you ask ?

  7. 这家酒店提供10种客房类型,从开间StudioFull到顶楼套房PenthouseSuite不等。

    There are 10 room categories ranging from a Studio Full to the Penthouse Suite .

  8. n.阁楼;顶楼我们在房屋阁楼储存树干。

    We store trunks in the attic of the house .

  9. probably:大概,或许head:使朝…方向行进loft:阁楼,顶楼我跟Jenny应该回家了。

    Dan : Uh , we should Jenny and I should probably head back to the loft . -

  10. Annie每次听那节目录音都感动得热泪盈眶,她终于写信去约Sam情人节在纽约帝国大厦顶楼见面。

    Annie impulsively writes a letter suggesting that Sam meet her on top of the Empire State Building on Valentine 's Day .

  11. 这挑起了她的兴趣,她开始探索法国葡萄酒和意大利葡萄酒,然后,当她回到纽约,就参加了当时占据世贸中心顶楼两层的全球葡萄酒之窗学院(WindowsontheWorldWineSchool)。

    Her interest piqued , she began to explore the wines of France and Italy and , when she returned to New York , she attended the famous Windows on the World Wine School , then on the top two floors of the World Trade Center .

  12. 在哈罗德(Harrods)百货顶楼,穿过香水沙龙(SalondeParfums,它像一座荟萃了时髦香水的集市)富丽堂皇的大理石走廊,便可到达他的店面。

    It is approached via the celestial marble corridor of the Salon de Parfums , which sits like a sort of posh perfume souk at the top of Harrods .

  13. 在公园大道黑石集团总部顶楼一个可以俯瞰上东区、用木壁板装潢的会议室中,苏世民接受了75分钟长的采访。他谈的主要是这个奖学金项目,虽然也比较简短地讨论了GE的交易。

    During a 75-minute interview in a wood-paneled penthouse meeting room overlooking the Upper East Side at Blackstone 's headquarters on Park Avenue , Mr. Schwarzman spoke mainly about the scholars program , while discussing the G.E. deal more briefly .

  14. 作为一天的告终,也为了睡前酒,我从奇亚多酒店(HoteldoChiado)的顶楼露台酒吧中俯瞰着这座流光溢彩的城市,其中有部分正是葡萄牙建筑师、普立兹大奖(Pritzker)得主阿尔瓦罗·西扎·维埃拉(AlvaroSizaVieira)的设计成果。

    For a recap and a nightcap , survey the glowing city from the top-floor terrace bar of Hotel do Chiado , which was designed in part by the Pritzker Prize-winning Portuguese architect Siza Vieira .

  15. 这位“三位一体合恩管理咨询公司”(trinityhorne)的常务董事把家里的顶楼作为办公室,这样一来他当然得不到来自秘书的帮助。

    By basing himself in an office on the top floor of his family home , the executive director at management consultancy Trinity Horne has , of course , deprived himself of secretarial help .

  16. 餐厅推荐CaféLaurent(哈瓦那维达多区19街与21街之间,M街257号,cafelaurent.ueuo.com)是一家有格调的顶楼餐厅,家庭自营,因其顶楼的风景和西班牙菜而受到好评。

    Where to Eat Caf é Laurent ( Calle M No. 257 , between 19 and 21 , Vedado , Havana , cafelaurent . ueuo . com ) is a stylish family-run paladar popular for its penthouse views and Spanish-themed menu .

  17. 为了使采样在空间距离上有一个对比,于2009年9月1日在龙潭寺西路附近某公司的顶楼雨棚下设置了2号采样点,距地面高度约15m。

    In order to compare the samples in space , we set up the 2nd sampling point , from the floor height of about 15m , in the vicinity of the top floor of a company near West Longtan Temple Road on September 1 , 2009 .

  18. 我想看看顶楼上有什麽。

    I wanted to see what was on the top floor .

  19. 根据它们提供的信息,罗斯勒应该待在顶楼里没动。

    According to them , Rossler is still in the penthouse .

  20. 顶楼用作单元住宅或艺术家工作室的这种楼层。

    Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist 's studio .

  21. 我们在顶楼也有一个自助餐厅。

    We also have a cafeteria on the top floor .

  22. 莎丽花了一段时间在祖母的顶楼寻找家里的旧照片。

    Sally spent a while nosing about for the old family pictures .

  23. 他搭电梯来到顶楼。

    He took the lift to the top floor .

  24. 请你帮我把这个旧皮箱搬到顶楼上去好吗?

    Could you help me carry this old trunk up to the attic ?

  25. 当骑士爬上顶楼把她救出来后故事又是怎样的?

    So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her ?

  26. 这个饭店的顶楼有一个全景餐厅。

    There is a panoramic restaurant on the top floor of the hotel .

  27. 顶楼这层有两个警卫。

    I have two guards on the penthouse level .

  28. 健康能干的人应该睡在顶楼或是地下室。

    Only healthy , able persons should sleep in hard-to-reach attics or basements .

  29. 我建议你从顶楼开始往下找。

    I suggest you start at the top and make your way down .

  30. 电梯把我们迅速送到顶楼。

    The elevator shot us to the top floor .