
  • 网络Top and bottom;top-bottom
  1. 顶底复合吹炼转炉、LF及薄板坯连铸中氮的变化

    Change of nitrogen content in process of complex top-bottom blowing converter smelting , lf and sheet billet continuous casting

  2. 介绍了天钢利用顶底复吹转炉、LF精炼炉、方坯连铸、高速线材轧机工艺生产TS06拉丝专用钢盘条的实践。

    The practice of the process of top-bottom blowing converter-LF refining furnace-billet casting-high speed wire rod mill for producing special TS06 wire-drawing steel wire rod is briefly introduced .

  3. 双腹板、顶底角钢半刚性节点的ANSYS数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections with Dual-Web and Top Angle by Using ANSYS

  4. 顶底角钢、腹板双角钢连接的冷弯薄壁C型钢梁柱节点性能研究

    The Performance Research on the Beam-column Connections of Cold Bending Light-gauge Steel C Section with Angle at Bottom and Top of the Web ; cellular girder

  5. 本文推导了顶底角钢连接的初始连接刚度Ri,极限弯距承载力Mu。

    Initial rotational stiffness Ri and ultimate moment capacity Mu of top-and seat - angle steel connections is given in this text .

  6. TBM顶底复吹技术在梅山炼钢厂的运用

    Application of TBM combined blowing technology in Meishan Steel Plant

  7. 顶底复吹转炉底吹CO2-N2的冶金特性

    Metallurgical Character of Bottom Blowing CO_2-N_2 Gas in Combined-Blown Converter

  8. 120t顶底复吹转炉水模研究

    Water model Study of a 120t Top bottom Combined Blowing Converter

  9. 济钢120t转炉顶底复吹冶炼技术

    Top - bottom Blowing Technology of 120t Converter in Jigang

  10. 120t转炉顶底复合吹炼工艺技术应用

    120 tons of converter are equivalent to the bottom compound blowing technology in applying

  11. 介绍了顶底复吹技术在济钢25t转炉上的应用。

    The application of top and bottom blowing technique in Jigang 25t converter is introduced .

  12. 80t顶底复合吹炼转炉的冶金效果

    Metallurgical Effect of 80 t Combined Blowing Oxygen Converter

  13. 济钢120t转炉顶底复吹自动控制系统

    Automatic Control System of Top and Bottom Blowing Process of Jigang 's 120 ton Converter

  14. 30t顶底复吹转炉黏渣护炉技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Fettling with Slag in 30 t Top and Bottom Combined Blown Converter

  15. 高压变频器在30t顶底复吹转炉除尘风机中的应用

    Application of High Voltage Frequency Converter in Dusting Blower of 30 t Top and Bottom Blowing Converter

  16. 这个信号是价格的顶底和MACD柱的背离。

    That signal is a divergence between the peaks and bottoms of price and MACD-Histogram .

  17. 介绍了包钢80t转炉顶底复吹技术的使用状况,分析了冶炼效果和经济效益。

    This article introduces the 80t combined blowing converter at Baotou Steel , analyzes its metallurgical effect and economic benefit .

  18. 对比了包头钢铁(集团)公司炼钢厂80t顶底复合吹炼转炉和顶吹氧气转炉的冶金效果。

    The metallurgical effects of 80 t top blowing and combined blowing oxygen converters at Baotou Iron and Steel Co have been investigated .

  19. 邢钢48t顶底复吹转炉溅渣护炉实践

    Furnace protection by slag spitting in 48-ton top and bottom combined blown converter

  20. 氧气顶底复吹转炉冶炼45~钢铸坯的质量研究小方坯生产Q195实践

    Study on the Quality of 0.45 % wt pct Carbon Steel Billets Made by Oxygen Top and Bottom-blown Converter

  21. 150t顶底复吹转炉-150t钢包炉生产60Si2Mn(A)弹簧钢的工艺和质量

    Process and Quality of Spring Steel 60Si2Mn ( A ) Produced by an 150t Top and Bottom Combined Converter-150t Ladle Furnace

  22. 利用训练好的模型和当前观测数据得到了软岩巷道在锚注之后3,9,15及30d的顶底变形量和两帮相对变形量。

    Using the well trained model and the data observed from the locale , the roof-to-floor and the side-to-side displacements of the soft rock roadway bolt-grouted after 3,9,15,30 days are obtained .

  23. 210t转炉顶底复吹技术的开发和应用

    Application of Top and Bottom Blown Techmology in Jigang 25 t Converter Development of technology of 210 ton combined blown converter

  24. 260t顶底复吹转炉调整拉碳枪位的分析与实践

    Analysis and Practice of Optimization of Oxygen Lance Height During Catch Carbon Process in 260 t Combined Blowing Converter

  25. 用YSS声发射仪对采场四周的顶底柱进行声发射监测。

    The acoustic emission monitoring of the roof and floor pillars surrounding the stopes was done with YSS acoustic emis-sion meter .

  26. 为了提高顶底复吹转炉用MgO-C质底吹供气元件的使用寿命,研究了沥青涂覆量和沥青涂覆镁砂颗粒添加量对MgO-C砖性能的影响。

    To elongate the service life of the MgO-C bottom blowing elements of BOF , the effects of coating amount of pitch and pitch coated magnesia addition on properties of MgO-C brick were investigated .

  27. 介绍TBM顶底复吹技术特征,在梅山炼钢厂应用时,以及运用该技术对冶炼中磷铁水操作、钢铁料消耗及炉衬的影响,通过使用TBM技术有效的改善了梅山的脱磷。

    In this paper , the characteristics of TBM combined blowing technology in steelmaking plant of Meis-han has been introduced . And the influence of operation in medium phosphorous hot metal , metal charge consumption , converter lining after using this technology .

  28. 介绍了武钢第三炼钢厂250t顶底复吹氧气转炉计算机控制炼钢的特点,计算机炼钢的生产实践及其效果。

    This article gives a general introduction on characteristics of computer-controlled steelmaking process used on 250 t combined blown converter . The computer-controlled steelmaking practice and its effect are also introduced .

  29. 济钢第三炼钢厂120t转炉采用顶底复吹冶炼技术,底吹系统应用LD-KGC弱搅拌供气系统,采用集管式风口砖,氮气和氩气为底吹搅拌气体。

    The 120t converter in Jigang adopts top-bottom blowing technology , and the bottom blowing system adopts LD-KGC weak stirring system feeding N_ ( 2 ) and O_ ( 2 ) with manifold tuyere brick .

  30. 钢结构上下顶底角钢半刚性连接极限弯矩探讨

    Research on Ultimate Moment of Top-and Seat-angle Connections in Steel Structures