
dǐng jiǎo
  • apex angle;vertex angle;apical angle;point angle;corner angle;parietal angle
顶角 [dǐng jiǎo]
  • (1) [point angle]∶在切削工具顶尖处或刀刃处的尖角

  • (2) [apical angle]∶弹头轮廓线夹角在弹头顶尖上的切线夹角

  • (3) [parietal angle]∶从耳穴至前囟和至人字缝尖的交叉线所形成的角

  • (4) [vertex angle]∶三角形底边所对的角

顶角[dǐng jiǎo]
  1. 两条钻唇形成钻顶角,并根据被钻削材料的性能来选取其大小。

    The tool point angle ( TPA ) is formed by the two lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut .

  2. 测量单元用于测量钻孔的顶角与方位角等参数;

    The deviational survey unit measures the parameters of the apex angle and the azimuthal angle of the bore hole ;

  3. 他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。

    From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net .

  4. 关于n维单形k维顶角的正弦定理

    Law of sines of k-dimensional vertex angles of an n-simplex

  5. Uq(sl2)的两维循环表示和八顶角Ising模型

    Two Dimensional Cyclic Representations of U_q ( sl_2 ) and 8-Vertex Ising Model

  6. 对于波矢在以电场方向为轴顶角为2θc锥角范围内的哨声,外电场的作用使波增长;波矢在此锥角范围之外,外电场的作用使其衰减。

    It is found that the waves are growing when the angle between wave vector and electric field is in the range of θ c , otherwise the whistler waves are damping .

  7. 当用两块平板玻璃制作出的空气劈尖顶角发生变化时,应用CCD可观察到劈尖表面移动的干涉条纹。

    When the angle of an air wedge which is formed by two flat glass plates is changed , the moving interference fringes would be observed by means of CCD .

  8. 讨论了不同Pr数和不同Re数下阻流件高度、顶角和间距对换热系数的影响状况。

    The influences of Re , Pr , baffle height , angle and the distance between two baffles on heat transfer characteristics are discussed in detail .

  9. 从相空间中Green函数的生成泛函出发,对正则动量引入外源,利用最陡下降法,证明了在树图近似下,正规顶角的生成泛函等于正则作用量。

    On Starting from the generating functional of Green function in phase space and introducing exterior sources for canonical momenta , it turns out that the generating functional of proper vertices is equal to canonical action in tree approximation .

  10. 求得了在用重整化减除正规顶角的发散至n圈时,(n+1)圈正规顶角生成泛函的发散部分的一般表示形式。

    And a general expressing form for the divergent part of the generating functional of ( n + 1 ) - loops proper vertices with divergences in the proper vertices removed by renormalization up to n-loops has been obtained .

  11. 对于一个楔,当其表面受有与r~n(n≥0)成正比的外载荷时,按照经典弹性力学的解,对于顶角2α为π或2π的楔,其应力为无限大。

    For a wedge subjected to tractions in proportion to r (?) ( n ≥ 0 ), the stresses of the solution in classical theory of elasticity become infinite when the angle of the wedge to π or 2 π .

  12. 给出了广义相对论的Feynman规则,计算了二点顶角函数,并用W-T恒等式对二点正规顶角进行了直至单圈阶的验证。

    The Feynman rules for GR are given , the two-point functions are calculated , and the verification of 1-loop diagrams of GR is demonstrated using W-T identities .

  13. TEM和XRD的分析表明:富碘层AgBr0.83I0.17中碘的分布不均匀,集中在晶粒的顶角处;

    TEM and XRD analyses show that iodide rich layer is composed of AgBr 0.831 I 0.17 , in which iodide is not distributed uniformly and mainly located near the corners of the cubic core grains .

  14. 根据已有文献给出的W矩阵元的一般公式,利用重耦理论深入研究了5价顶角,得出了相应的W(5)矩阵元的可直接计算的精确公式。

    According to the general formula of W-matrix element given by the related documents , the five-valent vertex is researched and the exact formula of W-matrix element that can be directly calculated is acquired by using the recouping theorem .

  15. 在LM中计及单圈顶角修正时计算核子共振态强衰变宽度及其耦合常数探讨

    The Discussion of the Coupling Constant and Calculation of the Nucleon Resonance State Strong Decay Width When the Single Loop Vertex Correction is Taken into Consideration in the LM

  16. 规范场-鬼场固有顶角的Ward-Takahashi恒等式

    Ward-takahashi identities for gauge . ghost field proper vertices

  17. 介绍ACR内螺纹铜管齿形参数&齿条数及齿顶角对蒸发单管换热性能及阻力性能的影响。

    Describes the impact of tooth parameters of ACR inner-thread copper tube , the number of racks and addendum angle , on its heat transfer and pressure drop performance .

  18. 对测量原理和误差进行了分析,指出在顶角为60°的V型座测量椭圆度较小的圆柱工件时,随机一次测量结果即可视为其平均直径,测量误差已可忽略。

    Particularly , when a cylindrical workpiece with less ellipticity is measured once on a V-shape slot with a slot-angle of 60 degree , the random measuring result may soon be regarded as its mean dia-meter and its errors may also be ignored .

  19. 而当H在实用范围内,特别是对于表面发射率较低的短圆柱空腔和半顶角较大的圆锥空腔而言,两种方法得到的ε~c值是不同的。

    In other words , the differences in the values of ε for two methods are evident in the H range of practical application , especially in the following cases : smaller values of surface emittance ; shallow cylindrical cavities and conical cavities with larger half-angles .

  20. 本文对V型异质锥孔衬底上的成核及晶核生长过程进行了热力学计算,分析了锥孔的顶角、锥孔深度和润湿角对成核过程的影响。

    In this paper , the thermodynamic theory of nucleation processing in V-shaped cone hole have been analysed and the effects of the vertex angle of V-shaped cone hole , he depth of V-shaped hole and contact angle on nucleation processing have been discussed .

  21. 根据预峰的特性,提出了Mg70Zn30熔体的结构模型,即Mg原子位于中心,8个Zn原子位于顶角所形成的简单立方结构模型。

    According to the characters of the pre peak , an atomic model of Mg 70 Zn 30 melt was constructed , namely , a bcc structure with one Mg atom locates at the center and other eight Zn atoms lie on the vertexes .

  22. 将正则Ward恒等式初步应用于该系统,不作出对正则动量的路径积分,也可导出场的传播子与正规顶角之间的某些关系。

    With preliminary application of canonical Ward identities to such a system , some relationships among the vertices and propagators for the fields can be deduced without carrying out the integration for canonical momenta in phase space path integral .

  23. 在摩擦系数为0.1时,对于相同尺寸的裂纹,J积分值随着模具顶角的减小而减小,当达到模具顶角8°后,J积分值变化较小,趋于一定值。

    When friction coefficient equals 0.1 , J-integral value round the crack tip with the same flaw decreases with decreasing die angle . J-integral value changes slightly and tends to be a constant value when the angle reaches to 8 ° .

  24. 利用推广的自洽迭代递归方法,精确求解了具有s-d交换相互作用系统的磁场顶角函数;

    With the help of the extended self-consistent iterative method , the magnetic vertex function based on the s-d exchange interaction is exactly solved under semiclassical approximation .

  25. 检验得出Q235大规格角钢力学性能不合标准要求,分析原因是其横截面近顶角处存在缩孔和细小裂纹。

    There are thin shrink hole and crack at peak angle of cross section of Q235 large angle steel , which the main reasons to bad mechanical properties of angle steel .

  26. 本文讨论Witten的弦场相互作用图象的共形变换,并给出了二类不同的相互作用图象和顶角算子的明显形式。

    This paper discussed the conformal transformation between the Witten 's string field interacting picture and other pictures . Two kinds of different interacting pictures and explicit forms of their vertex operators are given .

  27. 本文运用顶角的Post-CPA方法研究了无序层状系统的维数跨越效应,层间耦合t的强弱决定了系统的有效维数。

    In this paper , the crossover effect of the dimensionality in the disordered layer system is studied by using the post-CPA method for the vertex .

  28. 由于岩层各向异性、软硬互层,常规施工钻孔自然弯曲强烈,表现为钻孔方位顺时针增大、顶角出现下垂,施工9个孔,一类孔仅4个,报废进尺163m。

    The conventional drilling borehole curves strongly , manifested as clockwise increase of the drill hole direction , vertex angle hanging-down . In the drilled 9 holes , only 4 of which are first class hole , 163m footage is reported as worthless .

  29. 自旋结网圈表象中体积算符对5价顶角的作用

    Effect of volume operator on five-valent vertex in spin network representation

  30. 关于规范场顶角计算的置换群陪集简化方法

    The permutation group coset method in calculations of gauge field vertices