- apex angle;vertex angle;apical angle;point angle;corner angle;parietal angle

(1) [point angle]∶在切削工具顶尖处或刀刃处的尖角
(2) [apical angle]∶弹头轮廓线夹角在弹头顶尖上的切线夹角
(3) [parietal angle]∶从耳穴至前囟和至人字缝尖的交叉线所形成的角
(4) [vertex angle]∶三角形底边所对的角
The tool point angle ( TPA ) is formed by the two lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut .
The deviational survey unit measures the parameters of the apex angle and the azimuthal angle of the bore hole ;
From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net .
Law of sines of k-dimensional vertex angles of an n-simplex
Two Dimensional Cyclic Representations of U_q ( sl_2 ) and 8-Vertex Ising Model
It is found that the waves are growing when the angle between wave vector and electric field is in the range of θ c , otherwise the whistler waves are damping .
When the angle of an air wedge which is formed by two flat glass plates is changed , the moving interference fringes would be observed by means of CCD .
The influences of Re , Pr , baffle height , angle and the distance between two baffles on heat transfer characteristics are discussed in detail .
On Starting from the generating functional of Green function in phase space and introducing exterior sources for canonical momenta , it turns out that the generating functional of proper vertices is equal to canonical action in tree approximation .
And a general expressing form for the divergent part of the generating functional of ( n + 1 ) - loops proper vertices with divergences in the proper vertices removed by renormalization up to n-loops has been obtained .
For a wedge subjected to tractions in proportion to r (?) ( n ≥ 0 ), the stresses of the solution in classical theory of elasticity become infinite when the angle of the wedge to π or 2 π .
The Feynman rules for GR are given , the two-point functions are calculated , and the verification of 1-loop diagrams of GR is demonstrated using W-T identities .
TEM and XRD analyses show that iodide rich layer is composed of AgBr 0.831 I 0.17 , in which iodide is not distributed uniformly and mainly located near the corners of the cubic core grains .
According to the general formula of W-matrix element given by the related documents , the five-valent vertex is researched and the exact formula of W-matrix element that can be directly calculated is acquired by using the recouping theorem .
The Discussion of the Coupling Constant and Calculation of the Nucleon Resonance State Strong Decay Width When the Single Loop Vertex Correction is Taken into Consideration in the LM
Ward-takahashi identities for gauge . ghost field proper vertices
Describes the impact of tooth parameters of ACR inner-thread copper tube , the number of racks and addendum angle , on its heat transfer and pressure drop performance .
Particularly , when a cylindrical workpiece with less ellipticity is measured once on a V-shape slot with a slot-angle of 60 degree , the random measuring result may soon be regarded as its mean dia-meter and its errors may also be ignored .
In other words , the differences in the values of ε for two methods are evident in the H range of practical application , especially in the following cases : smaller values of surface emittance ; shallow cylindrical cavities and conical cavities with larger half-angles .
In this paper , the thermodynamic theory of nucleation processing in V-shaped cone hole have been analysed and the effects of the vertex angle of V-shaped cone hole , he depth of V-shaped hole and contact angle on nucleation processing have been discussed .
According to the characters of the pre peak , an atomic model of Mg 70 Zn 30 melt was constructed , namely , a bcc structure with one Mg atom locates at the center and other eight Zn atoms lie on the vertexes .
With preliminary application of canonical Ward identities to such a system , some relationships among the vertices and propagators for the fields can be deduced without carrying out the integration for canonical momenta in phase space path integral .
When friction coefficient equals 0.1 , J-integral value round the crack tip with the same flaw decreases with decreasing die angle . J-integral value changes slightly and tends to be a constant value when the angle reaches to 8 ° .
With the help of the extended self-consistent iterative method , the magnetic vertex function based on the s-d exchange interaction is exactly solved under semiclassical approximation .
There are thin shrink hole and crack at peak angle of cross section of Q235 large angle steel , which the main reasons to bad mechanical properties of angle steel .
This paper discussed the conformal transformation between the Witten 's string field interacting picture and other pictures . Two kinds of different interacting pictures and explicit forms of their vertex operators are given .
In this paper , the crossover effect of the dimensionality in the disordered layer system is studied by using the post-CPA method for the vertex .
The conventional drilling borehole curves strongly , manifested as clockwise increase of the drill hole direction , vertex angle hanging-down . In the drilled 9 holes , only 4 of which are first class hole , 163m footage is reported as worthless .
Effect of volume operator on five-valent vertex in spin network representation
The permutation group coset method in calculations of gauge field vertices