
dǐng dēng
  • dome light;overhead light;top light;toplight
顶灯 [dǐng dēng]
  • [top light;dome light] 舰船某一最高处的一盏灯,有时用来标志旗舰

顶灯[dǐng dēng]
  1. 吸顶灯造型CAD系统的研究

    Study of the CAD system of suction dome light forming

  2. 本文讨论了在CAD图形工作站上开发吸顶灯造型CAD系统的方法,并介绍了作者所建立的CAD系统的功能及特点。

    This paper describes the method for developing the CAD system of suction dome light forming on the work station , and introduces the function and feature of the CAD system built by the authors .

  3. 现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。

    The overhead light was covered now with a white globe .

  4. 人们根据这些特殊的灯泡制造了特殊固定装置,从学习用的台灯,到祖母传下来的丑萌的手绘中式灯,再到壁橱里的顶灯和烤箱或冰箱里的灯,最后再到牙医给你看牙的灯。

    All of those specialized bulbs led to the building of specialized light fixtures , from the desk lamp you study by , to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother , to the ceiling fixture in your closet , to the light in your oven or refrigerator , and to the light that the dentist points at you .

  5. 现已开发出LED台灯、LED灯杯、LED球泡、LED吸顶灯等系列照明灯具。

    Have been developed LED lamp , LED lamp cup , LED bulb , LED ceiling lighting series .

  6. 公司产品有U型、螺旋、莲花、环形等系列及吸顶灯系列,LED灯具和LED驱动器等系列。

    Company products are U type , spiral , lotus , and other series and ceiling ring series , LED lamp and LED driver series .

  7. 1973年建造的南楼仍在正常运行,业主计划重现旧的大堂中,在日本画作《梦桥》(BridgeoftheDream)基础上修建的楼厅,以及其六角形的顶灯。

    The South Wing , erected in 1973 , will remain operational , and the owners plan to replicate the lobby 's mezzanine , based on a Japanese painting known as " Bridge of the Dream , " and its hexagonal ceiling lights .

  8. “首先要做的事就是关掉唯一的顶灯。”《蓝图》杂志国内高级编辑RebeccaRobertson说。

    " The first thing you do is turn off the single overhead light ," said Rebecca Robertson , the senior home editor of Blueprint magazine .

  9. 厨房的顶灯太亮了,不适宜喝咖啡和白兰地。

    The overhead kitchen light was too bright for coffee and brandy .

  10. 卧室里天花板上有吸顶灯,其它地方也有灯。

    There is a ceiling light or other lamps in the bedroom , too .

  11. 顶灯的控制键在你右手边。

    The headlight controls are on your right .

  12. 注意:在进行前,确保圆顶灯开关是在中间位置

    Note : ensure the dome lamp switch is in the middle position before proceeding

  13. 桅顶灯在黑暗中只是断断续续地闪光。

    The masthead light was no more than an intermittent glow in the gloom .

  14. 环保型缓冲材料在吸顶灯包装设计中的应用

    Green Cushioning Material Applied in Ceiling Light Packaging

  15. 检查天花板的清洁,是否有蜘蛛网,顶灯的工作是否正常。

    Check the ceiling to ensure it is free of cobwebs and that the light is working .

  16. 我想这个房间如果既有台灯又有顶灯的话会有更好的照明效果。

    I think this room would be better lit if it had overhead lighting , as well as table lamps .

  17. 该灯具式吸顶灯通过伸出的灯头安装到天花板上的灯座上。

    The ceiling lamp is arranged on a lamp holder on a ceiling by the lamp cap that extends out ;

  18. 中山市英煌照明有限公司是一家专业生产和销售羊皮灯,吸顶灯和厨卫灯的企业。

    Is a British company specializing in the production and sale of sheepskin lamps , ceiling lamps and kitchen enterprises .

  19. 文明示范车的顶灯统一做成黄色,并标有字样。

    Each model taxi cab will have a uniform yellow light on the top with the words " model taxi " on it .

  20. 其他实验室,如果高度允许,我们建议采用吸顶灯。

    In other laboratories , we suggest use the one fixed directly to the ceiling , if the height of the ceiling permits .

  21. 按照你的要求,我现将有关吸顶灯和台灯的产品描述和包装信息资料传真给你。

    As requested , I will now fax over to you the product description and packing information regarding the ceiling lamp and the table lamp .

  22. 你或许需要调整桌子的位置,给顶灯安装调光开关,或者拉下遮光窗帘,把阳光挡在外边。

    You might need to reposition the desk , use a dimmer switch on overhead lights , or lower window shades to keep out sunlight .

  23. 在生物安全实验室和洁净室,顶灯应该有密封装置直接固定在天花板上或嵌入在天花板内。

    In biosafety laboratories and clean rooms , the over head lighting should be consisted of closed units fixed direct to or recessed in ceiling .

  24. 用途:适用酒店、商店、办公室、家居等照明场合,更适用与现代迷你筒灯、顶灯、台灯、壁灯等配合照明。

    Using : Be applicable hotel , shop , office , family , and mini-canister light , top light , reading lamp and wall lamp etc.

  25. ◆她打开洗涤池上面的小灯,把顶灯关了,这样不是十全十美,但是比较好。

    She put on the small light over the kitchen sink and turned off the overhead . It was still not perfect , but it was better .

  26. 螺旋向下延伸的垂线圆盘顶灯,华丽而耀眼,金碧辉煌,黑褐色的大理石墙柱给空间增添了几许雄伟和壮丽。

    A gargantuan chandelier in a curious spiral shape is the centerpiece of the luxurious lobby , and several sturdy dark brown marble columns enhance the sense of majesty .

  27. 显示器应该比环境光亮一些——过亮的顶灯或者强烈的阳光,会迫使眼睛非常用力地望向屏幕。

    The screen should be brighter than the ambient light - overly bright overhead light and streaming daylight force the eyes to strain to see what is on the screen .

  28. 1979年,海兴县民间艺人对南锣戏进行挖掘整理,对该剧的传统代表剧目《顶灯》等进行大胆改编的同时,又创作了现代南锣戏《豆腐王》。

    In1979 , the folk entertainment of Haixing County studied the Southern Gong Show , revised the traditional play Balancing the Bricks and also created a modern Southern Gong play King of Bean Durd .

  29. 劳森在工作室里测量、剪裁面料,一匹匹细羊毛靠在墙边,一卷卷彩色丝线摆放在一排排架子上,天花板上是明亮的顶灯。

    Mr. Lawson measures and cuts the fabric in the atelier , where bolts of fine wool lean against the walls and bobbins of colorful thread occupy rows of shelves under bright overhead lights .

  30. 除此之外,恰好在她脑袋上方点着那盏桅顶灯照亮的观测台,似乎自成一个发亮的小天地,漂浮在沉寂的黑暗中。

    Apart from that , the fighting top , lit by the masthead light which was only just above her , seemed to be a little lighted world of its own floating in lonely darkness .