
  • 网络Card line;block
  1. 通过盆栽试验,测定了杀线虫剂克线磷、福气多、涕灭威、卡线特对红掌相似穿孔线虫病的防治效果。

    The control effects of four nematicides against burrowing nematodes Radopholus similis on Anthurium andraeanum were tested by pot experiments .

  2. 然而,里德特也指出,在卡纳西线上安装CBTC系统耗费了7年时间、过程艰辛,因为该公司很难将基于微处理器的技术首次运用于地铁上。

    However , Mr Riddett also points out that CBTC installation on the Canarsie line took a painful seven years as the company struggled to adapt microprocessor-based technology for the first time to the subway .

  3. 该系统从2007年开始在卡纳西线运营,并计划从明年起在7号线上运营。

    The system started operating on the Canarsie line in 2007 and is due to go into operation on the 7 train next year .

  4. 传统的手工布线多采用柔性线缆代替真实线缆,胶布代替卡箍线槽,对装备物理样机进行模装试验,这种串行设计的方法效率低,成本高。

    The traditional wiring is accomplished by simulative installation based on physical prototype , with flexible string instead of cables and adhesive plaster instead of supports . The serial method of design is inefficient and expensive .

  5. 在硬件方面,系统通过插在PC机PCI插槽上的数字图像采集卡经数据线连接CCD摄像机实现对类圆图像的实时获取,进而利用PC机实现类圆的分割与识别。

    In the hardware , CCD camera , digital image acquisition card and PC are utilized to realize image acquisition , segmentation and recognition in real time .

  6. 利用国产高速数据采集卡以及商业线阵B型超声诊断仪,建立了一套二维数字化超声软组织应变成像系统。

    A two-dimension digital acquisition system for ultrasound strain imaging of soft tissues using a homemade highspeed AD card and a commercial B-mode ultrasonic equipment is established .

  7. 如果开关卡具有同轴三线或BNC连接,则需要盖住每个输入通道。

    If the card has triax or BNC connections , cap each input channel .

  8. 每个团队成员用彩色便签(或索引卡)加入时间线。

    Each team member adds to the timeline using coloured sticky notes ( or index cards ) .

  9. 比赛期间发生了多次碰撞事故,而最紧张的时刻则是车队巴士卡在了终点线。

    There were several crashes , and there was one tense moment when a team 's bus got stuck under the finish line .