
  • 网络Calvin;Carvin;Cavan;Cover
  1. 卡文灰岩及其共生岩石的相分析

    Facies analysis of the Cavan limestone and associated rocks

  2. 为此,在感恩节前,卡文奔赴由DNA推出的家族聚会。

    So , just before Thanksgiving , Carvin set off on a DNA-induced family reunion .

  3. 我知道进行比较是不对的。但是我感觉到好像我在卡文克莱的广告中度过了一晚,而我现在又回到了棒球、炸鸡桶和BVD牌内裤的生活中了。

    I know it was wrong to compare , but I felt like I had spent the evening in a Calvin Klein ad and now I was back to baseball , buckets , and BVDs .

  4. 位于火奴鲁鲁的人才保留管理咨询公司Nobscot的首席执行长兼总裁贝司•卡文(BethCarvin)表示,最糟糕的情况就是你试图辩解或者把责任推给别人。

    ' The worst thing you can do is to make excuses or put the blame on someone else , 'says Beth Carvin , CEO and president of Nobscot , a retention management consulting firm in Honolulu .

  5. 卡文,你是这个社区的栋梁。

    Calvin , you are a pillar of this fine community .

  6. 卡文,你今晚见到什么了?什么也没有。

    What 'd you see in here tonight , calvin ? Nothing .

  7. 嘿,卡文,你是到埃玛那去吗?

    Hey , calvin , you goin'over to emma 's ?

  8. 也是我最好的朋友,就是这边这位兄弟,卡文。

    He 's my fine friend , this brother right here , calvin .

  9. 我一直在做卡文让我做的事情。

    I do what Calvin need me to do every now and then .

  10. 卡文叫我拿些东西。

    Cal wants me to handle some business .

  11. 嘿,卡文,你干嘛不帮我做个发型呢?

    Hey , calvin , why don 't you get me a little shape-up ?

  12. 卡文,这能赚很多钱的,孩子。

    Calvin , there 's a lot of money to be made here , son .

  13. 我有个朋友叫卡文。笛,他是个电视明星。

    I 've got friend called Kevin Dee , And he 's a star on TV .

  14. 我在伦敦中部的卡文经营了一家脚病治疗诊所。

    I run " The Foot Pad " chiropody and physical therapy clinic in Coven , Central London .

  15. 还有那个卡文克莱内衣模特儿能认识他可能会更有趣

    And there 's that Calvin Klein underwear model . Might be fun to get to know him better .

  16. 它在西北边,要穿过一个叫,叫什么来着,卡文大街。你知道吗?我想她知道在哪儿?

    It 's on the northwestern side of town across * ah , what is that , ah , Culver street , you know ? I think she knows where it is .

  17. 美国:加利福尼亚卡文一家,一周伙食费:159.18美元,喜爱的食物:炖牛肉、浆果酸奶、蛤蜊肉和冰淇淋。

    The United States : Card text in California is1 , a week boarding fee : USD159.18 , favorite food : The sour milk , clam meat of the beef stew , berry and ice-cream .