
  • 网络China black;Chian Black
  1. 中国黑木耳主要栽培菌株DNA指纹分析

    Analysis of the molecular fingerprints for major cultivated strains of Auricularia auricula in China

  2. 应用ISSR和SRAP标记技术对34个中国黑木耳主要栽培菌株进行DNA指纹分析。

    Inter-simple sequence repeat ( ISSR ) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism ( SRAP ) methods were used to analysis the DNA fingerprints of 34 Auricularia auricular strains which were mainly cultivated in China .

  3. 中国黑腹果蝇种组的组成与分布

    Compact and distribution of the Drosophila melanogaster species group from China

  4. 中国黑恶势力形成的现实分析

    Realistic Thinking of Vicious Forces ' Emergence in China The Black Cat

  5. 中国黑荆单宁与羟甲基反应动力学的研究

    Reaction kinetics of Chinese black wattle tannin with methylol groups

  6. 你认为在中国黑金属有前途吗?

    Do you think Black Metal has a promising future in China ?

  7. 中国黑三棱属新种和稀有植物

    The new and rare species of Sparganium in China

  8. 中国黑腹果蝇种组40种果蝇的核型多样性研究

    Karyotype diversity of Drosophila melanogaster species group in China

  9. 中国黑芝麻资源的分布及主要性状分析

    Analysis of the distribution and main characteristics OE black seed coat sesame germplasm in China

  10. 中国黑碳气溶胶分布特征与辐射强迫的模拟研究

    A Simulation Study on Distributive Characteristics and Radiative Forcing of Black Carbon Aerosols over China

  11. 水景石材以中国黑花岗岩,蒙古黑花岗岩,森林绿花岗岩为主。

    Chinese black granite , Mongolia black granite and forest green granite are chose for cascades .

  12. 我相信你会在更多的中国黑金属乐队中找到这个问题的答案。

    You will find the answer to this question among the further Chinese black metal bands , I believe .

  13. 第三,我还通过一些短暂的尝试来调整自己的气,营造出一种被景观凝视的效果,用自己的头发作为画笔,蘸上中国黑墨,在岩石上绘出一只眼睛。

    I also did some short performances to balance my Qi ( Chi ) for the creation of the landscape is staring at us , a rock painting of an eye produced by using my hair as a brush dipped Chinese black ink .

  14. 中国地区黑碳气溶胶直接辐射效应的数值模拟研究

    Simulation of the direct radioactive effects of black carbon aerosol in China

  15. 关于中国当代黑恶犯罪问题的思考

    Thought on Crime of Mafia-evil force Now in China

  16. 中国对虾黑鳃病病原及病变机理的研究

    Studies on the Pathogens and Pathogenesis of Black Gill diseases of Penaeus chinensis

  17. 中国大陆黑碳气溶胶排放清单

    Inventory of Black Carbon Emission from China

  18. 殉难是古中国的黑武士!

    Martyrdom is Cathayan black warrior .

  19. 中国东北黑土地的荒漠化危机

    Desertification in the northeastern China

  20. 中国地区黑碳气溶胶的第一间接辐射强迫与气候效应

    The First Indirect Radiative Forcing of Black Carbon Aerosol and Its Effect on Regional Climate of China

  21. 中国与黑非洲政党的正式交往始于1978年,28年来成果丰硕。

    In 1978 , formal contacts between Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) and African political parties started ;

  22. 本文是对中国对虾黑鳃、褐斑综合症进行病原菌分离和人工感染试验的报告。

    This paper is a report on both the pathogenic bacteria isolation and an artificial infection test of the epizootic black gill and brown spot of shell disease syndrome .

  23. 在亚洲,中国的北京黑和金华猪及越南的蒙开猪(MongCai)都是很普遍的品种。

    In Asia , the Beijing Black and the Jinhua pig from China and the Mong Cai from Vietnam are common .

  24. 中国船脱离黑名单

    Chinese Vessel Breaks out of the Black List

  25. 不仅如此,中国还以黑名单的形式将一些公司从贸易对象中排除。

    Additional Chinese actions have taken the form of blacklisting firms from trading with that country .

  26. 中国暖温带黑粘土的腐殖质特性及其与土壤发生的关系

    Characteristics of humic substances and their relationships with genesis of black clay soils in warm temperate zone of China

  27. 中国人眼白&黑系列明度等级的实验研究

    An experimental study of brightness grade for white and black series among Chinese people

  28. 同时,探讨了中国区域硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合直接气候效应。

    Besides , the joint effect of BC and sulfate aerosols over China has also been studied .

  29. 6种化合物属于中国环境优先污染物黑名单。

    And there are 6 compounds belonging to the " black list " of Priority Pollutants prescribed by China .

  30. 中国女人嫁老黑的已经不稀罕了,相比较起来倒是男人很少敢把黑妹带回国。

    Chinese women marrying blacks is no longer something rare , whereas in comparison men very rarely dare to bring black girls back home to China .