
  1. 中枢辐射航线网络结构设计

    Study on Design of Hub - & - Spoke Route Network

  2. 中枢辐射航线网络是国外大型航空公司广泛采用的航线结构,也是国内大型航空公司的发展战略方向。

    The Hub-and-spoke scaled network is adopted widely by international large-scale airline company , which is also the strategic aim for the development national ones .

  3. 当航空运输发展到一定规模时,中枢辐射航线网络结构能够充分发挥出自身的优势,印证了中枢辐射航线网络体现规模经济的特点。

    The hub-and-spoke airline network can exert its predominance when the air transportation reaches some scale . The characteristic of the hub-and-spoke airline network is confirmed .

  4. 随着航空运输业规模的不断扩大,能够充分体现规模经济的中枢辐射航线网络受到了越来越多地关注。

    The hub-and-spoke airline network can achieve economies of scale . This network has attracted more and more attention when the scale of air transportation is expansion .

  5. 以往对于中枢辐射航线网络的优化设计采用的都是确定型的方法,但是优化设计涉及的航空运输需求和成本往往具有不确定性,因此针对中枢辐射航线网络鲁棒优化的有关问题展开研究。

    The previous research on the hub-and-spoke airline network design was for the certain scenario . But in practice the demand and cost of air transportation are uncertain .

  6. 上海航空业面对日渐激烈的国际、国内竞争,完全有可能、也有必要建成中国东部地区的中枢辐射航线网络布局。

    Facing with the increasing competitions among the global and domestic , it is very possible and necessary for the aviations of Shanghai to build the Center radiate airline network layout in eastern of China .

  7. 本文针对成本和需求的不确定性,采用鲁棒优化的方法对中枢辐射航线网络进行规划设计,并将最短路算法加以改进提出了求解的精确算法,得到了可以适用于多种可能情景的鲁棒解。

    To aim at the uncertainty of design variable , this article use robust optimization to design hub-and-spoke airline network and improve the shortest path algorithm to propose an exact algorithm , obtain the robust solution to be suitable for many kinds of possible situations .

  8. 针对中国加入WTO后对航空运输的影响,分析中国民航存在的问题,提出尽快建设以上海为中枢系统的辐射航线网络布局模式。

    Focusing on the effects of aviation transport after China joined the WTO , Analyzing the existing problems of airlines in China , Expound to build Center system of the radiate airline network layout model in center of Shanghai .