
  • 网络mongo;Moengo
  1. 洛克伍德带着我和蒙戈(LarryMongo)在城里转了一圈。蒙戈是CafeD'Mongo'sSpeakeasy的东家,这个咖啡馆是底特律赶时髦的人常去的地方。

    Mr. Lockwood took me on a city tour with Larry Mongo , owner of Caf é D'Mongo 's Speakeasy , a popular hangout for Detroit 's hipsters .

  2. 有250多种民族,最多的是刚果人、卢巴人和蒙戈人,也有在商业城市工作的犹太人和印度人的小型社区。

    As many as 250 ethnic groups have been distinguished and named . The most numerous people are the Kongo , Luba , and Mongo . There are also small communities of Jews and Hindus who work in commercial urban areas .

  3. 那是蒙戈祖父的椅子这也是,快放回去。

    No , that 's Grandpa Mungo 's chair-No , so is that . Take it back , please .

  4. 蒙戈说:老人们仍生活在这里。有些人一辈子都在偿还抵押贷款,改造房屋,而如今在底特律这样一座房子的值还不及拆除房子所需的8500美元。

    Mr. Mongo said , ' The old folks are still living there . ' A lifetime was spent paying the mortgage and making improvements on a place that now isn 't worth the $ 8,500 it costs to demolish a house in Detroit .