
  • 网络Monta;moonta;Heidi Montag
  1. 星期一,出于伤病考虑,蒙塔-艾利斯和拉玛库斯-阿尔德里奇退出二队。

    Scrimmage team members Monta Ellis and LaMarcus Aldridge pulled out on Monday with injury concerns .

  2. 发现样本数据具有尖峰厚尾性质、自相关性和平稳性。采用历史模拟法、正态模型法、Laplace模型法、蒙塔卡洛模拟法和极值理论五种计算方法估计了沪深300指数的VaR。

    We can find that the sample data has high peaks and fat tails properties.2.VaR of Hushen 300 index is estimated by Historical Simulation Method , Normal Model Method , Laplace Model Method , Monte Carlo Simulation Method , Extreme Value Theory .

  3. 新娘鲁巴娜决定请来一位当地的“Qazi”,也就是穆斯林的仲裁者来为自己主持公道。在家人的支持下,她宣布与蒙塔加离婚。

    Bride Rubana decided to call a local ' Qazi ' , also known as a Muslim judge , and with her family 's support she declared divorce .

  4. 那时,我已经在蒙塔那了。

    By that , I was in Boston Montana .

  5. 当然,我没有真正看到过穿过蒙塔古街的紫发女人。

    I hadn 't seen a woman with purple hair crossing Montague Street , of course .

  6. 托尔多是一只可爱的黑白相间的猫,它现在3岁,居住在意大利北部的蒙塔那那。

    Toldo -- a cute , 3-year-old black and white cat living in Montagnana , northern Italy .

  7. 后蒙塔古语义学的理论发展&兼评福克斯和拉平的内涵语义学

    On Theoretical Development of Post-Montague 's Intensional Semantics : Comments on Chris Fox and Shalom Lappin 's Foundational Semantics

  8. 波多黎哥6月1日举行初选,6月3日在南达科他和蒙塔那举行最后两个州的初选。

    Puerto Rico holds a primary on June 1 , followed by South Dakota and Montana on June 3 .

  9. 蒙塔尼翁警告各家公司,如果他们不能控制高管薪酬,就会面临政治“反弹”。

    Mr montagnon warned companies they faced a political " backlash " if they failed to rein in executive compensation .

  10. 奥巴马宣布胜利是在蒙塔那州和南达科他州这最后两个州初选结束之际,也标志着全国初选季节的结束。

    Obama claimed victory as the primary election season came to an end , with contests in Montana and South Dakota .

  11. 我一直记得她说的那句话的形式:今天我看见一个一个紫色头发的女人穿过了蒙塔古街。

    I still remember the way she said that sentence : Today I saw a woman with purple hair crossing Montague Street .

  12. 就连当时的批评家和漫画家也嘲笑蒙塔内、卡达法尔克和安东尼·高迪等一些建筑大师的野心。

    Critics and cartoonists mocked the intense ambition of the architects Dom è nech I Montaner , Puig I Cadafalch-and Antoni Gaud í .

  13. 在瑞士优美的风景胜地蒙塔拿举行的高尔夫球名人赛中,模特辛迪·克劳福特是引人注目的明星之一。

    Model Cindy Crawford was one of the star attraction at a celebrity golf tournament at the ritzy resort of Montana , Switzerland .

  14. 克林顿保证会继续参加6月1号波多黎各和6月3号蒙塔那以及南达科他州的竞选。

    She promises to stay in the race through upcoming contests in Puerto Rico June 1 , and Montana and South Dakota June 3 .

  15. 新娘的父亲巴席尔伍丁今年58岁,经营着一家酒店,结婚之前他已经给女婿买了一辆摩托车,但蒙塔加却还是不满足。

    The bride 's father , Bashir-ud-din , 58 , who owns a hotel , had already bought him a motorbike but Muntaj wasn 't satisfied .

  16. 当地人对蒙塔加的行为感到十分愤怒,于是在他的脖子上挂了一圈鞋子,甚至后来还剃了他一绺头发。

    Local residents were outraged with Muntaj 's behavior and as a punishment they made him wear a garland of shoes . They even shaved a strip of hair off his head .

  17. 该研究的领头人、弗吉尼亚理工大学的瑞德蒙塔古说,你也许会开玩笑说委员会会议让你有脑死亡的感觉,但是我们的研究发现,它还会让你表现得像个脑残。

    ` You may joke about how committee meetings make you feel brain dead , but our findings suggest that they may make you act brain dead as well , ` said Read Montague the study leader at Virginia Tech.

  18. 几个月前,在大雪纷飞的寒冬,民主党在爱奥华和新罕布什尔州拉开了党内提名初选和基层党团选举的序幕。如今,波多黎各、蒙塔那,以及南达科他州也将在初夏开始的时候举行初选,使漫长的初选程序趋向结束。

    Months after the first primaries and caucuses were held in the snows of Iowa and New Hampshire , the long primary process is coming to an end with early summer contests in Puerto Rico , Montana and South Dakota .