
  • 网络Dean;deane;Howard Dean;Mike Dean
  1. 迪恩在他最知名的电影《无因的反叛》首映的3天之前去世。

    Dean died three days before the opening of Rebel Without Cause , his most celebrated film .

  2. 而主裁判迪恩也再次证明自己是英超最吹毛求痴且喜欢卖弄的裁判

    It also confirmed Mike Dean 's reputation as the fussiest and most pedantic of referees .

  3. 市场营销公司DCAGrowthAdvisors创始人、品牌专家迪恩o克拉奇菲尔德赞赏苹果公司的这笔收购,因为它是一个大胆的举措。

    Dean Crutchfield , a branding specialist and founder of marketing firm DCA Growth Advisors , lauded Apple 's acquisition simply because it was a bold move .

  4. 之后迪恩迅速结束了Bubba餐厅。

    Deen blitz shifted the Bubba restaurant .

  5. 50年过去了,如今,迪恩成了爱丁堡英国地质调查局(bgs)的一名地质学家。

    Fifty years on , Dean is now a geologist with the British geological survey ( BGS ) in Edinburgh .

  6. 当Sal在门口见到迪恩时,他光着身子;,这也发生在他见到迪恩和卡米尔在一起时。

    And that moment when Sal meets Dean at the door , and he 's naked ; it 's reflected when he sees Dean with Camille .

  7. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,这家位于佐治亚州萨凡纳的餐厅是种族争议的中心,是迪恩利润丰厚的饮食王国的一部分。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports the Savannah , Georgia restaurant was a center of racial controversy , the class Deen 's part of lucrative food empire .

  8. 这好像是Sal第一次在那情景下,感到迪恩已经被同化成迪恩的形象:,空洞的,美的迪恩的形象。

    It 's as if Sal 's first experience of Dean is already , in that scene , assimilated into the image of Dean : the disembodied , aesthetic image of Dean .

  9. 密歇根州律所Canfield的前合伙人迪恩•阿尔托贝利表示,合伙人们也有苦恼。

    According to Dean altobelli , a former partner at Michigan firm Miller Canfield , partners feel the pain , too .

  10. 所有这些都很明显,在那些情景下Sal对迪恩的渴望升华了,但在语言层面上到处都有表现。

    So , all of that is very palpable , and Sal 's own desire for Dean is sublimated in those scenes , but it 's everywhere at the level of the language .

  11. 它现在正在解决我们完全不知道如何解决的问题,自谷歌在近5年前开始聚焦该领域以来一直引领研究的工程师杰夫•迪恩(JeffDean)表示。

    It 's now solving problems we don 't know how to solve in any other way , said Jeff Dean , the engineer who has spearheaded Google 's efforts since it began to focus on the area nearly five years ago .

  12. Bubba餐厅的一名前经理以歧视罪名起诉迪恩和海尔斯,称这个不友善的工作环境充斥着性诽谤和种族污辱。

    A former Bubba 's manager filed the discrimination lawsuit against Deen and Heirs , alleging a hostile working environment full of sexual innuendo and racial slurs .

  13. 该餐厅官网发布消息称,“谢谢大家10年来的支持。UncleBubba餐厅现在要关闭了。”迪恩的哥哥厄尔·布巴·海尔斯发表声明表示,他计划探讨这个海滨物业的其他发展方案。

    The restaurant website says " Thank you for 10 great years . Uncle Bubba is now closed . " Deen 's brother Earl Bubba Heirs issued a statement , saying he is planning to explore other development options for the waterfront property .

  14. 甚至在霍华德•迪恩竞选总统的时候,Meetup上的绝大多数群体都是在讨论如何使自己的生活变得更美好,而与政治或运动这类轰轰烈烈的事情以及意见领袖等等没有任何关系。

    Even in the Howard Dean days , the vast majority of meetups were about people trying to make good stuff happen in their lives having nothing to do with politics or movements or that chattering class kind of stuff .

  15. 我叫醒迪恩,我们仨开始吃饭。

    I wake Dean , and the three of us eat .

  16. 我是迪恩是个瘾君子

    Uh , I 'm Dean and I 'm an addict .

  17. 但是迪恩会跟我一起去。

    But dean 's gonna be right there with me .

  18. 迪恩这个星期在美国广播公司的节目中露面。

    He appeared on the ABC television broadcast This Week .

  19. 迪恩拿出书,开始念拉丁文。

    Dean takes out a book and begins to read in latin .

  20. 我在迪恩威特公司实习,竞争激烈。

    I 'm in a competitive internship at Dean witter .

  21. 亲爱的,你的名字不是迪恩,对吧?

    Honey , you 're name ain 't dean , is it ?

  22. 如果迪恩和莉安现在站起来

    If Dean and Leanne were to stand up right now

  23. 迪恩,你不会想跟他谈的

    Dean , you don 't want to be talking to him .

  24. 有那么疯狂的一刹那,我突然觉得迪恩出了什么事儿。

    For a crazy instant I think something 's happened to dean .

  25. 拉娜,迪恩跟我求婚。

    Lana , dean 's asked me to marry him .

  26. 迪恩涡编织型中空纤维膜分离黏土悬浮液研究

    Study into Separating Clay Suspension Using Dean Vortex Hollow Woven Fiber Membrane

  27. 迪恩飓风的尾巴横扫而过

    As the tail end of Hurricane Dean sweeps through ,

  28. 把迪恩的东西都清出去谢谢

    Disinfecting the house of all things Dean . Thanks .

  29. 迪恩戒毒的那个吗他为什么给你礼物

    Dean ? Drug-free Dean ? Why was he giving you gifts ?

  30. 你已经打扰到我们了,迪恩,别这样

    Well , you are intruding . Dean , please .