
  • 网络Ruiz;Hector Ruiz;Bryan Ruiz
  1. 安娜・费尔南达・鲁伊斯(AnaFernandaRuiz)是金融和管理科学专业大四的学生,她说自己的学员,一名总经理,想要学习如何与年轻客户以及未来的雇员打交道。

    Ana Fernanda Ruiz , a senior finance and management-science major , says her mentee , a managing director , wanted to learn how to connect with younger clients and future employees .

  2. 他已给鲁伊斯夫人电汇了1000美元。

    He had already cabled a thousand dollars to Mrs ruiz .

  3. 他和南洋理工大学一道进行这项研究的同事弗朗西斯科·苏亚雷斯-鲁伊斯(FranciscoSuárez-Ruiz)及周宪(音)并非独行者。

    He and his Nanyang colleagues who worked on the study , Francisco Su á rez-Ruiz and Xian Zhou , aren 't alone .

  4. 在他们的月度会面时,鲁伊斯谈论的话题包括她和朋友们如何使用移动设备购物。

    In monthly meetings , Ms. Ruiz has been addressing topics including how she and her friends make purchases on mobile devices .

  5. 帕特里夏.鲁伊斯说,她八岁的儿子这周末要做五项家庭作业,得花约一个半小时才能完成,这足够引发争论。

    Patricia Ruiz said her eight-year-old son would be getting five tasks this weekend , which would take him about an hour and a half - long enough to cause arguments .