
  • 网络Renato;Renaldo;Reynaldo;Renaldo Balkman
  1. 这部电影本身并不复杂,主要描述生活在西西里小镇上的两位人物玛莱娜和雷纳多。

    The film itself is quite simple as it is mainly about two people , Malena and Renato , both living in the Sicilian village of Castelcuto .

  2. 雷纳多与18名跟随者逃进山区。

    Reinado fled to the hills with 18 followers .

  3. 在逃的反叛军人首领雷纳多被击毙。

    Fugitive rebel commander Alfredo Reinado was killed .

  4. 对霍尔塔的伏击是前军警领导人雷纳多领导的反叛分子所为。

    The ambush was the work of rebels led by a former military police chief , Alfredo Reinado .

  5. 雷纳多在伏击中被打死,但是他的副手逃进了首都东帝汶周围的山区。

    He was killed in the attack but his key lieutenants escaped into the mountains that surround East Timor 's capital , Dili .

  6. 奥尔塔总统几乎在枪击中丧生。枪手是忠于叛军领导人雷纳多的反叛份子,雷纳多于一项伏击行动中被击毙。

    President Ramos-Horta almost died when he was shot by gunmen loyal to rebel leader Alfredo Reinado , who died in the ambush .