
  • 网络the Jules Rimet Trophy;Jules Rimet Cup
  1. 不幸的是,雷米特杯在1983年被盗,从此失踪。

    Unfortunately , the Jules Rimet Trophy was stolen in1983 and never recovered .

  2. 他不仅仅举起了雷米特杯,他还通过自己出众的意识帮助赫斯特打入决赛对西德的第四个进球。

    Not only did he lift the Jules Rimet trophy , but his outstanding vision and execution set up Geoff Hurst for the fourth England goal in the final against West germany .

  3. 加查林已经被认为是获得这第7个雷米特杯的最大功臣。

    Considered to be the biggest player of the seventh Jules rimet .

  4. 自1930年世界杯问世以来,一共用过两个奖杯:1930年到1970年的雷米特杯和1974年至今的国际足联世界杯奖杯(即大力神杯)。

    Since the advent of the World Cup in 1930 , two trophies have been used : the Jules Rimet Trophy from 1930 to 1970 , and the FIFA World Cup Trophy from 1974 to the present-day .

  5. 第一个奖杯原名叫胜利奖杯,后来为了纪念国际足联前主席朱尔斯•雷米特而改名为雷米特杯。该奖杯为标准纯银和青金石镀金铸成,造型为希腊神话中的胜利女神——尼克。

    The first trophy , originally named Victory , but later renamed in honor of former FIFA president Jules Rimet , was made of gold plated sterling silver and lapis lazuli and depicted Nike , the Greek goddess of victory .