
  • 网络COPA;Kopa;Raymond Kopa
  1. 在科帕卡巴纳滩上,狗狗们身穿特色服装陪伴在它们的主人身边。

    The dogs donned costumes and partied with their owners on Copacabana Beach .

  2. 他们已经被确定死亡并送往凤凰城马里科帕县法医办公室。

    They have been identified and taken to the Maricopa County Medical Examiner 's Office in Phoenix .

  3. 冯丹尼肯声称古代宇航员包括太空头盔雕刻在玛雅城市科帕的石柱上。

    Von Daniken claims that ancient astronauts-complete with space helmets-were carved on stelae at the Mayan city of copan .

  4. 当你给亚利桑那州马里科帕县的病媒管制中心拨打电话,人工智能电话系统将给你列出几个奇怪的选择。

    Call the automated line at Vector Control in Maricopa County , Arizona , and you 'll get a couple of odd options .

  5. 周二晚,数万名朝圣者聚集在里约热内卢著名的科帕卡巴纳滩,目的是同庆世界青年日。

    Thousands of pilgrims gathered on Rio de Janeiro 's famous Copacabana Beach Tuesday night for the opening Mass of the World Youth Day festival .

  6. 马里科帕县警长乔·阿尔帕约自称是美国最严厉的警长,他认为这意味着可以逮捕在美国走私自己的非法移民。

    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio , the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America , decided that meant undocumented immigrants already in the country could be arrested for smuggling themselves .