
  • 网络sci-tech novelty retrieval;novelty search
  1. 国际联机系统的新进展及其对科技查新的影响

    The New Progress of International Online Systems and Its Influence on Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval

  2. 讨论了科技查新工作系统的建设,介绍了科技查新工作系统的设计思路,阐述了其系统设计和系统实现。

    This paper discusses the construction of sci-tech novelty retrieval system , introduces the design thread of sci-tech novelty retrieval system , and expounds its system design system implementation .

  3. Web个性化信息服务关键技术的探讨高校图书馆个性化信息服务与科技查新整合的研究

    Key Web personal information service technologies Study on the Integration of Individualized Information Service and Sci-tech novelty Search in Library University

  4. 利用Dialog系统提高科技查新质量

    Improving the Quality of Sci-tech Novelty-checking by Using the Dialog System

  5. 科技查新中DialogCASearch与CAonCD检索效果的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Retrieval Effectiveness for Sci-tech Novelty Search between Dialog CA Search and CA on CD

  6. 目前基于Web的科技查新委托系统的各功能已基本实现,系统已试运行,根据用户信息反馈表明系统总体方案设计合理,解决问题的措施可行。

    The system is under trial run and the information feedback shows that the whole method has rational designs and feasible measures for problems solution .

  7. 将MVC模式与J2EE平台相结合,设计开发了一个J2EE架构下的科技查新综合信息系统,并给出了实现实例。

    Using MVC model and J2EE , the author designs a novelty search integrated information system based on J2EE standard .

  8. 科技查新档案管理系统分析、设计与实现

    Analysis , design and realization of Scientific Novelty Archive Management System

  9. 医药卫生科技查新期望差距的分析

    Analysis of expectation gap in medical science and technology novelty search

  10. 科技查新的学术原理探讨

    A Discussion on Academic Principles of Scientific and Technical Novelty Search

  11. 科技查新核心文献保障体系研究

    Research on the Supporting System of Core Literature for Novelty Checking

  12. 科技查新质量保障的关键环节

    The Key Factors of the Quality Guarantee in Sci-Tech Novelty Search

  13. 科技查新服务的实践与探索

    The Practice and Study of Checking New Scientific and Technological Information

  14. 职业技术学院的科技查新和质量控制

    The Sci-tech Novelty Search and the Quality Control In the Polytechnic

  15. 掌握先进方法提高科技查新效率

    Increasing the Efficiency of the Novelty Searching through Mastering Advanced Methods

  16. 集合论在科技查新中的应用

    The Application of Set Theory to Science and Technology Novelty Searching

  17. 青海电力科技查新的网络化管理探析

    Analysis Networked Management of Qinghai Power Science and Technology Novelty Search

  18. 试论农业科技查新的第二工作职能的完善

    Discussion on Improving the Second Function of Agricultural Sci-tech Novelty Search

  19. 科技查新检索结论的作用与表述

    Functions and Formulations of the Conclusion of Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval

  20. 医药卫生科技查新的质量控制

    The Quality Control for the Medical and Health Novelty Retrieval

  21. 影响科技查新质量的相关因素

    The related factors influencing the quality of the scientific retrieval

  22. 检索策略式的制定对科技查新质量的影响

    The influence of setting search strategy on sci-tech novelty quality

  23. 基于网络环境的医药卫生科技查新质量控制方法

    Method of Quality Control for Medical Novelty Searching under the Network Environment

  24. 医药卫生科技查新质量评估方法探讨

    Methods for the judgment of literature evaluation for application of medical achievements

  25. 网络环境下的高校科技查新途径探析

    On Approaches of New Hi-tech Investigation in Colleges under the Net Situation

  26. 竞争情报服务与科技查新工作的开展

    The Development of Competitive Intelligence Service and S & T Novelty Searching

  27. 科技查新工作中的文献信息资源保障

    Documentation and Information Resource Support in the Work of Information

  28. 试论科技查新服务与专题情报服务的整合

    On the Integration of Technical Novelty Consultation Service with Subject Information Service

  29. 科技查新需求分析及其增值服务探讨

    Analysis on Sci-tech Novelty Search Demands and Discussion on its Value-added Service

  30. 军队医药卫生科技查新管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and development of a military medical sci-tech novelty retrieval management system