
  • 网络popular science books
  1. 加强对科普图书的系统研究,是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to enhance systematically research on popular science books .

  2. 科普图书在这样的大趋势下,也在积极发展,呈现出诸多可喜的态势。

    Under such circumstances , we are glad to see that popular science books also develop actively .

  3. 谁是中高端科普图书的读者?&上海科技教育出版社案例研究

    Who Are the Readers of the Middle-to-High Level Popular Science Book : A Case Study for Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House

  4. 此外,政府还将鼓励出版社在农村地区销售更多科普图书,并加强边远地区农家书屋的建设。

    To achieve these aims , the government will encourage publishers to distribute more popular science books in rural areas , with thousands of bookstores and newsstands planned for remote rural areas .

  5. 通过对于调查问卷的回收数据分析,进一步研究现实受众的存在特征,即解决喜欢科普图书的是什么样的受众这一问题。

    Adopted for the recovery of the questionnaire data analysis , further study of the reality of the existence of the characteristics of the audience , that is , resolving the " popular science books like what kind of audience ," this issue .