
  • 网络cordillera;Cordilleras;CORDILLERAN
  1. 科迪勒拉型伸展与高温变质作用关系密切,伴随花岗质岩体的侵位,并使变质岩系近等温减压之后近等压冷却。

    Cordillera type has a close relationship with high-temperature metamorphism and accompanied the emplacement of granitoid , giving rise to isothermal decompression and then isobaric cooling p-T-t paths .

  2. 科迪勒拉型伸展,整个地壳发生伸展,涉及拆离断层、沉积盆地、变质核杂岩的形成,发生于碰撞后阶段。

    The second is Cordillera type-extension , which involves extension of the whole crust with development of detachment , sedimentary basins and metamorphic core complexes and occurred in post-collision stage .

  3. 华力西晚期(270~250Ma)具科迪勒拉I型或ACG特征,属活动大陆边缘构造环境,其形成与早二叠世特提斯洋的向北俯冲作用有关;

    The late Variscan granitoids exhibit characteristics of Cordilleran I-type granitoids or ACG , associated with an active continental margin related to the northward subduction of Tethys ocean in the early Permian .

  4. 结合本分队测得Pb-Pb同位素视年龄值(423±1)Ma,确定其为加里东造山旋回的产物,属科迪勒拉&加里东型花岗岩及晚造山期花岗岩,形成于板块消减、褶皱隆起造山环境。

    Combine with Pb Pb isotope age ( 423 ± 1 Ma ), it is considered as the product of Caledonian orogenic cycle and belongs to Cordilleran Caledonian type and late orogenic stage granite . It was formed in the orogenic environment of plate subduction and fold uplift .

  5. 均程度不等地发育了科迪勒拉型伸展构造和变质核杂岩;

    The Cordilleran-type extensional tectonics and metamorphic core complexes are developed well in both regions ;

  6. 卡林型金矿床主要分布在北美大盆地地区科迪勒拉造山带、科罗拉多地台和我国扬子地块西南缘的板内古生代-中生代沉降带和西北缘古生代-中生代冒地槽。

    The Carlin-type gold deposits are mostly found in the Cordillera orogen and Colorado platform , Great basin region of North America and Paleozoic-Mesozoic intra-block depressed zone at the southwest margin of the Yangtze block and miogeosyncline northwest of the Yangtze block .

  7. 北美西部科迪勒拉山系中段东部存在广阔的地洼区,主要分布于中、南落基山和科罗拉多高原以及新墨西哥州中部、俄克拉荷马州南部和得克萨斯州北部。

    Diwa regions are extensively distributed in the eastern part of the middle segment of the Cordillera Mountain System , mainly in Central and Southern Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau as well as in middle New Mexico , southern Oklahoma and northern Texas .

  8. 13000km~2的山脚地区,包括很多主要的油气田在内,都封闭于俯冲断层带之下,这个俯冲断层带是曾经覆盖着科迪勒拉东部更广大地区的一个硕部滑脱带经剥蚀后的残迹。

    Over 1.3000km ~ 2 of the foothills , including many major oil and gas fields , lie concealed beneath the underthrust zone , which is the erosional remnant of an upper detachment that formerly covered a much larger area of the eastern Cordillera .