
  • 网络CORDOBA;Córdoba;NIO
  1. 政府官员希望运河能带来一万亿科多巴(cordoba)以上的投资,是岛上当前经济收入的三倍以上。

    Officials expect the canal to bring in aninvestment of more than one trillion cordoba , which would more than triple thesize of the current economy .

  2. 这些病例包括来自蒙多扎省的一对夫妻,有来自瑞内的一位医生,还有家住科多巴省近来曾去过墨西哥的一个三口之家。

    Among the afflicted were a couple from Mendoza province , a doctor from Rio Negro and a three-member family from Cordoba province that had recently visited Mexico .