
  • 网络Covent Garden;convent garden
  1. 我喜爱歌剧,去年我搞到几张科芬园皇家歌剧院的票。

    I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden

  2. 007和丽晶街上和科芬园是指出他们的商店。

    Bond and Regent streets and Covent Garden are noted for their shops .

  3. 西中央区2区,科芬园露天广场

    The Piazza , Covent Gdn , WC2 .

  4. 爸爸经常到科芬园的皇家歌剧院。

    Papa gives loads to the Royal in oovent garden .

  5. 德在科芬园大市场不是很远,一个'以逸时间是开放的。

    De big market at Covent Garden ain 't very far away , an'by dat time it was open .

  6. 这种母乳调制的冰淇淋名为“嘎嘎宝贝”,将于本周五在伦敦(蔬菜花卉市场)科芬园的“冰淇淋爱好者”餐厅出售。

    The breast milk concoction , called the " Baby Gaga ," will be available from Friday at the Icecreamists restaurant in London 's Covent Garden .

  7. 该博物馆世界巡回展的伦敦站将持续一周,贯穿科芬园的两个场馆——特里斯坦·贝茨剧院和38号及额拉姆街。

    The London stop of the exhibition 's world tour , lasts a week and spans two Covent Garden venues : the Tristan Bates Theatre and 38 Earlham Street .