
yào shi liàn
  • Key chain;key ring
  1. 我得到你的OP熊猫礼物盒喝中国笔记钥匙链。

    I 've got your OP Panda gift box and Chinese Notes Key Chains .

  2. 许多人的钱只够买一个Gucci钥匙链,或一只路易威登(LouisVuitton)钱包。

    Many have just enough money for entry-level goods like a Gucci key chain or Louis Vuitton purse .

  3. 在过去的十年中,英国国防部(MinistryofDefence)和警方都有使用LawMate公司的秘密录音设备,比如录音钥匙链和纽扣摄像机。

    For the last decade LawMate 's covert recording devices , including key fob voice recorders and buttonhole cameras , have been used by the Ministry of Defence and the police .

  4. 实用型礼物可以是钱包、手袋、皮夹、手机、腰带、钥匙链、个人备忘录、MP3以及香水等等。

    Some practical gift ideas include a purse or handbag , wallet , mobile phone , belt , key chain , personal organizer , MP3 players and perfume .

  5. 嘿,能给我一个钥匙链吗?

    Hey , can I have one of your key chains ?

  6. 另外两种分别是钥匙链和打火机。

    The others included a key chain and a cigarette lighter .

  7. 郊区的家庭主妇在客货两用车钥匙链上挂着防强暴口哨。

    Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their station wagon key chains .

  8. 我想这样译:专用的商标也突然出现在钥匙链和汽车的保险杠上。

    The logo is cropping up on key chains and bumper stickers .

  9. 我们用钥匙链和瓶子串在一起。

    First we got a bottle hooked to a key-chain .

  10. 但我可以改变钥匙链上的东西

    but I can change what you keep it on .

  11. 那要是钥匙链的话我就杀了自己。

    If it 's a key chain I 'm gonna kill myself ...

  12. 我看见你钥匙链上的防沉物。

    I saw that floater on your key chain .

  13. 不是。钥匙链在哪儿?

    Nate : No. - Queller : Where 's the key chain ? -

  14. 它们也可以被用来作为钥匙链或袋配件。

    They can also be used as a key chain or bag accessory .

  15. 这里有一些手工钥匙链。

    In here we have some boondoggle key chains .

  16. 亲爱的,钥匙链不够好。

    Honey , the key chain was a bust .

  17. 钥匙链在哪儿?

    Queller : Where 's the key chain ?

  18. 他的钥匙链中,有一把是丽莱先生酒窖的钥匙。

    He had the key to Mr Lilly 's cellar , on a chain .

  19. 蒂芬妮:是的,我们要做的产品是像钥匙链。

    TIFFANY : Yes , we would like to make things like key chains .

  20. 这个钥匙链的历史恨你。

    The history of this keychain hates you .

  21. 这个钥匙链多少钱?

    How much is this key chain ?

  22. 钥匙链?

    Nate : The key chain ? -

  23. 有些假包裹是空盒子,有些里面装了一块糖或一个钥匙链。

    Some are hollow boxes , some rattle with a piece of candy or a keychain .

  24. 布兰卡说,来自土耳其的一批杰克逊钥匙链不久前被查获。

    A shipment of Michael Jackson keychains from Turkey was seized recently , Mr. Branca said .

  25. 这种标签可以拴到钥匙链或夹在衣服或背包上,非常方便携带。

    The tags can be attached to key chains or clipped to clothing or backpacks for convenience .

  26. 我们要采购金属器皿,手工艺品,钥匙链,家庭用品,厨房用具,相片温度计手工艺品。

    We want to buy Metalware PVC Handicraft , Keychain , Houseware , Gip Kitchenware , Photo Thermometer Handicrafts .

  27. 能入耳的说法也被认为是类似于将兔脚系于钥匙链上的奇怪迷信。

    At best , it 's considered a wacky superstition like carrying around a rabbit 's foot on a keychain .

  28. 并不是所有消费者都买得起一个奢侈品牌的包包,因此顶级品牌纷纷推出如钥匙链和太阳镜之类的饰品。

    Not all consumers can afford a luxury handbag , so top-end brands offer more accessories such as key-chains and sunglasses .

  29. 第2天:彼得和蒂娜一起去听音乐会,彼得给蒂娜买了一个星星钥匙链。

    Day2 : Peter and Tina went to a concert together , and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star .

  30. 而其它例如,现金、信用卡以及采用无线电频率识别的钥匙链付费卡的方法都可能被盗或被他人使用。

    Alternatives like cash , credit cards and keychain payment cards with radio-frequency identification chips can be stolen and used by others .
