
  • 网络open cut method;cut and cover;cut and cover method
  1. 地铁区间隧道的修建方法常见的有新奥法、浅埋暗挖法、盾构法、明挖法、沉管法、顶管法等等。

    The frequently used method of metro tunnel construction includes NATM , mining method , shield , cut and cover method , immersed tube method , pipe jacking .

  2. 盾构法与明挖法结合建造地铁车站的结构方案研究

    Research of Metro Station Structure Scheme by Enlarging Shield Tunnel with Open Cut Method

  3. 南京地铁明挖法深基坑工程监测技术

    Monitoring technology of open deep excavation foundation work of Nanjing metro

  4. 我国地下工程施工技术发展具有中国特色:明挖法仍然是建筑工程基坑施工中的重要施工方法;

    The open surface method is still an important method ;

  5. 明挖法隧道近距离跨越既有盾构隧道施工技术

    Tunneling Techniques of Open Cut in close quarters for Step Over a Existing Shield Tunneling

  6. 盾构先行贯通车站行车隧道的条件下,结合明挖法或暗挖法建造地铁车站。

    Combining with open-cut method or subsurface excavation method , subway station is built after the station passenger tunnel is perforated by shield tunneling .

  7. 论文在介绍关角隧道入口段的工程地质及水文地质等的前提下,针对该区段提出了三种备选施工方法&明挖法、盾构法和暗挖法。

    Then the Geotechnical and hydrological geology were three introduced , alternative construction methods - cut-and-cover method , shield method and mining method were presented . 2 .

  8. 总结了南京九华山隧道明挖法区段的防水设计,包括混凝土结构自防水、接缝防水处理和附加防水层的设计等。

    The article states succinctly waterproofing design of open-cut section of Jiuhuashan Tunnel , Nanjing , including self-waterproofing of concrete structure , waterproofing treatment of joints and additional waterproof layer etc.

  9. 用摆喷角为120°的三重管高压摆喷桩作桩间止水在广州地铁2号线琶赤段明挖法施工中得到了广泛的应用。

    It is widely applied in construction of Metro Line Two of Guangzhou that the tri-tube high-pressure circumrotating sway pile with 120 ° angles is used to hold up groundwater from the piles .

  10. 盾构法是修建地铁隧道的一种方法,与明挖法与暗挖法相比,盾构法施工具有施工速度快,对地面影响小等优点。

    Build shield law is a method of subway tunnels , compared with covering method and under-cutting method , the advantages of shield tunneling is construction speed and the ground effect is small .

  11. 在天津城区地铁隧道采用明挖法施工时,当地质条件复杂,不宜于施工水泥搅拌桩止水帷幕时,常采用地下连续墙。

    Cut-and-cover method is often used in the construction of metro tunnel in Tianjin , where the underground continuous wall is usually used when the cement treated column as the waterproof curtain is not applicable because of the complicated geological conditions .

  12. 从混凝土结构裂缝成因及控制的角度,探讨提高混凝土结构的自防水能力,在地铁主体防水和细部构造防水中,以明挖法和矿山法防水为例,阐述了目前地铁的合理防水做法。

    It also discusses how to improve self-waterproofing of concrete construction from the view of the cause and control of split . The paper illustrates the reasonable waterproofing operations by excavation method of cut-and-cover and mining in major and detail structure waterproofing .

  13. 地下区间隧道的结构防水设计类型主要有明挖法、盾构法和矿山法,其中矿山法暗挖隧道的防水效果普遍不理想,主要原因是施工工艺存在弊端。

    Structural waterproof design for underground tunnel sections is mainly divided into open excavation method , shield construction method and mine method , while the waterproofing effect of the latter one is unsatisfying in general , mainly due to the defects of construction technology .

  14. 穿越铁路地道桥施工较多采用顶推法和明挖现浇法。

    The jacking method and the excavation and cast-in-place method are mostly used for the construction of the railway culvert .