
  • 网络ming pao;Ming Pao Daily;ming pao daily news
  1. 《明报》周四的整个头版都是与刘进图遇袭事件相关的新闻。

    Ming Pao devoted its entire front page Thursday to the incident .

  2. 这一行动引发了《明报》员工的大量抗议,并让刘进图成为新闻自由的象征。

    The move sparked numerous protests by Ming Pao employees and made him a symbol of press freedom .

  3. 香港中文报纸《明报》前总编刘进图(KevinLau)周三在一家他经常光临的餐馆附近被砍六刀。

    Kevin Lau , the former editor of respected Chinese-language Ming Pao , was slashed with a knife half-a-dozen times Wednesday near a restaurant he was known to regularly frequent .

  4. 《明报》现任总编张健波(CheungKin-por)说,该报正与警方合作,目前正在对2013年以来的报道进行核对,看是否哪篇报道可能引发了此次袭击。

    Cheung Kin-por , Ming Pao 's current chief editor , said the newspaper is cooperating with police and is currently reviewing stories from 2013 to see if any of its reporting might have triggered the attack .

  5. 他还在1959年创办了香港的知名中文报纸《明报》,并担任总编辑,直到1989年卸任。

    Cha also founded Hong Kong 's major Chinese-language newspaper Ming Pao in 1959 , and served as its editor-in-chief until retiring in 1989 .

  6. 《明报》本周早些时候悬赏100万港元(约合13万美元)征集刘进图遇袭事件的线索。

    Ming Pao earlier this week offered a 1 million Hong Kong dollar ( US $ 130000 ) reward for information on the attack .

  7. 《明报》工作人员和一些学生本周举行了零星的抗暴活动,声援刘进图。一些人自发穿上黑衣,佩戴蓝丝带参与声援。

    Ming Pao staff and students held scattered protests in Mr. Lau 's support this week , some clothed in black and wearing black ribbons .

  8. 《明报》正在配合警方工作,将对2013年以来的报道进行核对,看是否有报道可能引发了此次袭击。

    The publication is currently working with police and will review its reporting from 2013 to try to determine whether any of its coverage might have prompted the ambush .

  9. 据《明报》报道,Angelababy和陈赫的亲密关系问题最近引起了很多人的关注,起因是一个网民在一个问答网站上问起了该谣言。

    As reported on Mingpao , the issue regarding Angelababy and Chen 's closeness sparked recently when a Netizen asked about such a rumour on a Question And Answer segment posted online .

  10. 有中国政府背景的《环球时报》周四在社论中批评那些把刘进图遭袭与《明报》之前的报道相联系的人。

    In an editorial on Thursday , the state-run Chinese tabloid Global Times lambasted those who have suggested Mr. Lau 's attack might be the product of his work at Ming Pao . '

  11. 在香港这个有着10多家报纸(其中很多报纸有着明确的政治立场)的城市,《明报》自1959年创刊以来一直被认为是香港最值得信赖、最中立的报纸之一。

    In a city with more than a dozen newspapers , many with clear political affiliations , Ming Pao has earned a reputation as one of Hong Kong 's most credible and centrist broadsheets since its founding in 1959 .

  12. 遇袭几周前,刘进图刚刚被免去《明报》总编职务,其“接班人”来自马来西亚。刘进图被免一事曾引发《明报》内部强烈抗议浪潮。

    Just weeks before the attack , Mr. Lau had been abruptly dismissed from his Ming Pao post to make way for a successor from Malaysia , in a move that stirred fierce waves of protest within the newsroom .