
  • 网络Ming Empire
  1. 十六世纪六七十年代,明帝国进入后期。

    In the 1560s and 1570s , the Empire Ming entered the late stage .

  2. 这是明帝国海军统帅郑和率领的船队,展现慑人威仪,在印度洋中绵延数里。

    Stretched across miles of the Indian Ocean in terrifying majesty is the armada of Zheng He , admiral of the imperial Ming navy .

  3. 本章通过对明代司法的案件受理、逐级呈报程序的解析,指出自下而上是明帝国政府关于司法程序的最基本要求。

    This chapter pointed out that the " bottom up " is the most basic requirements of the Ming imperial government on the judicial process by resolving the Admissibility of Ming Dynasty judicial cases , step by step reporting process .

  4. 统治世界的逻辑&读明克勒的《帝国》一书

    The Logic of World Domination & Reading the Empires