
  • 网络part list;bom
  1. AUTOCAD图形文件标题栏、明细栏的处理

    Title column and subsidiary column of Auto CAD graphic files

  2. 在AutoCAD中一次生成明细栏的方法

    The Methods of Creating Item Block by Using the AutoCAD

  3. AutoCAD中快速生成标题栏和明细栏的方法

    To Produce Title Column and Subsidiary Column in AutoCAD Software

  4. AutoCAD装配图明细栏的自动生成

    Auto-Generation for Parts List of Assembly Drawing under AutoCAD

  5. 基于Solidedge环境下明细栏的自动添加的实现AutoCAD装配图明细栏的自动生成

    System of Automatic Additive Parts List Based on Solid Edge Environments Auto-Generation for Parts List of Assembly Drawing under AutoCAD

  6. AutoCAD绘制生成的图纸明细栏信息是CAM/CAPP/PDM/ERP的数据源。

    The information in the parts list of AutoCAD drawings is the data resource of CAM / CAPP / PDM / ERP .

  7. 基于CATIA的工程图图框、标题栏和明细栏快速生成技术

    The Fast Generating of Heading and Part-list Frame in Engineering Drawing Based on CATIA

  8. 利用数据库同autoCAD软件之间的数据交换可为autoCAD增加自动绘制装配明细栏和产品明细表的功能。

    With data exchange between autoCAD and database , The functions that draw automatically product specification and assembly specification is added to autoCAD .

  9. 本文深入分析异构CAD图纸明细栏的的本质特征,以此制定了模板的格式和内容,开发了用户模板定制工具。

    Through analysing intensively the substantive characteristics of BOM in heterogeneous CAD drawings , this dissertation defines the content and format of template , and develops the tool of template customization by the user .

  10. 本文分析了AutoCAD的对象模型及其Automation接口,在此基础上提出了明细栏的整理规范并给出了提取明细栏数据的方法。

    The thesis analyzed AUTOCAD object model and Automation port , on this base , it brought forward the criterion of trimming the title bar and also the way of the picking up the title bar data .

  11. 产品结构数据信息存在于产品装配图纸的明细栏中,而当前企业的产品图纸大量采用的是AutoCAD的DWG文件,因此需要研究从产品装配图(DWG文件)中提取出明细栏数据的问题。

    The product structure info consists in the title bar of the assemble drawing . Currently , a number of enterprise product drawings adopt DWG format of AUTOCAD , so it needs study to pick up title bar data from the product assemble drawing .

  12. 高盛股票策略师考斯汀(DavidKostin)提到了公司利润表中明细栏中销售和管理费用的下降。包括在销售和管理费用中的包括薪资和业务成本,如差旅费和广告支出。

    David Kostin , an equity strategist at Goldman , points to a decline in a key line item on corporate income statements known as ' selling , general and administrative expenses ' otherwise known as SG & A. Included in SG & A are salaries and costs of doing business , such as travel or advertising .

  13. 装配图中自动绘制明细栏

    Part List Autogeneration in CAD of Assembly Drawing

  14. 明细栏信息提取及处理技术的研究

    A Search on Extracting and Managing Information of The Title Panel in an Assembly Drawing

  15. 介绍了一种在机械装配图中零件序号的标注和明细栏填写的新方法。

    The new methods for writing order numbers and list of workpieces in machinery assembling drawing are discussed .

  16. 该系统能够根据装配时加入的零件的名称及数量自动生成相应的明细栏。

    According to the additive parts ' name and quantity , the system can automatically create corresponding parts list .

  17. 工程图中的标题栏和明细栏是产品数据集中管理的重要数据来源。

    The title and bill of material in engineering drawings are important data source for product data integrated management .

  18. 装配图明细栏格式由用户以文本文件形式定义,明细栏左下角通过交互给定。

    The form of parts list of Assembly drawing was described with text file and location of part list was interactively given .

  19. 明细栏的内容可从数据库文件中读入,或从零件图块中提取属性产生,亦可由编写文本文件形式给定。

    The content texts of parts list were read from database file , or the content texts were created in attribute extraction in parts blocks , and them were given through text file compiled .

  20. 其次,对从图纸明细栏中提取的信息进行分析,研究其内部关系,提出了自动生成产品结构树的方法。

    At the same time extracting all the files under the general is a product of all the drawings . Secondly , from drawing detail to extract information column , the paper studies the internal relation , put forward automatically generate product structure tree method .

  21. AutoCAD明细表和标题栏信息向PDM系统的集成

    Study on Integrating Information of Parts List and Title Block in AutoCAD into PDM System