
  1. 目的探讨中药大复方体内作用规律,为证治药动学6要素中定性定量论提供进一步的实验依据。

    AIM To explore the action mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) remedy in vivo , and to provide further experimental evidence for qualitative and quantitative view , the one of six key elements of TCM syndrome and recipe hypothesis .

  2. 激发态性质和可逆反应行为的定量共振论研究

    Research on Excited State Properties and Reversible Process Behaviours by Quantitative Resonance Theory

  3. 第二,建立了一个分析联盟伙伴影响联盟绩效框架,在明确影响机理的基础上,提出了选择联盟伙伴的指标体系和定量选择方法。论质的课程研究

    Secondly , how to select suitable partner is discussed in either qualitative or quantitative . On Qualitative Curriculum Research

  4. 通过该模型的应用,充分体现了本文给出的指标体系、定性指标转换为定量指标的概率论方法、综合权重赋值、评价模型具有较大的实用价值。

    The application of the model has fully reflected the index system that this text provides , the theory method that changes the quantitative index to the quantitative index , the method of comprehensive weight assignment of index , appraise model have greater practical value .