
  1. 本文以定窑瓷器为研究对象,来分析其艺术特征及精神内涵。

    In this paper , porcelain Ding study , to analyze the characteristics of their artistic and spiritual content .

  2. 宋代大诗人苏东坡在定州时,曾用“定州花瓷琢红玉”的诗句,来赞美定窑瓷器的绚丽多彩。

    The great Song dynasty poet Su in Dingzhou , I had to use " Dingzhou Huaci Zhuo-Yu ," a poem to praise Ding porcelain colorful .

  3. 最后,论文从审美和文化认知两个方面对定窑瓷器的艺术价值作综合的评析,从而说明研究定窑瓷器的现实意义。

    Finally , the papers from the aesthetic and cultural awareness of both the artistic value of Ding ware make a comprehensive assessment , which can show that study of the practical significance Ding porcelain .