
dìnɡ xiànɡ fǎn yìnɡ
  • Directed reaction;orientation reaction
  1. 碳氧定向反应Fe/C系催化剂中助剂的作用

    Effect of promoter K and Cr on fe / c catalyst in directional carbon-oxygen reaction

  2. Fe(Ⅲ)配合物与N2H4定向反应的研究

    Studies on the Directional Reactions of Iron (ⅲ) Coordination Compounds with Hydrazine

  3. 透闪石、滑石拓扑定向反应&龙溪软玉的电子衍射研究

    Topotactic reaction from tremolite to talc & an electron diffraction study of Longxi Nephrite

  4. 一种无意识的定向反应;对刺激源的正向或逆向反应。

    An involuntary orienting response ; positive or negative reaction to a stimulus source .

  5. 具多价态还原剂联氨与银定向反应的研究

    Studies on the Directional Reaction of Silver with Reducing Agent Hydrazine of Various Valences

  6. 他们使用的定向反应只生成甲醇,因此就免除了成本高的分离工作。

    The directed reaction that they use produces only methanol so that costly separation are avoided .

  7. 对地心引力的一种定向反应。

    An orienting response to gravity .

  8. 以芳樟醇为处理化合物的进一步研究表明,蛹发育早期是诱导成虫产生定向反应的敏感时期。

    The further experiments with linalool indicated that the early developmental stage of pupae was susceptible to the chemical environment of pupae .

  9. 银配合物与联氨定向反应的研究&Ⅱ.酸度与温度对定向反应的影响

    Studies on the Directional Reaction of Silver Coordination Compounds with Hydrazine ⅱ . The Influence of Acidity and Temperature on the Directional Reaction

  10. 心理学家改变了对犯罪心理测试所测心理的传统认识,主流心理学思想对犯罪心理测试重新进行了审视,形成犯罪心理测试的定向反应理论,开创了对犯罪心理测试所测心理的科学认识。

    Psychologists have formed a new orientation reflecting theory of criminal psychology detected and fostered a scientific understanding to the psychological substances which criminals are detected by polygraph through breaking away from outdated traditional modes of thought and taking a further look at this field .

  11. 因此,本研究中采用事件相关fMRI技术来研究空间定向和反应抑制的交互效应所涉及的不同神经机制。

    Therefore , event-related fMRI is used to investigate the differential neural mechanisms underlying interactions between spatial orienting and response inhibition .

  12. ~(13)C-NMR研究高效载体催化剂丙烯立体定向聚合反应机理

    Study on tacticity and stereospecific polymerization mechnism of propylene polymerization with high effective supported catalyst by ~ ( 13 ) c NMR spectra

  13. 假眼小绿叶蝉对茶树挥发物的定向行为反应

    Orientation Response of Empoasca vitis to Tea Shoots Volatiles

  14. 用亚致死剂量溴氰菊酯处理亚洲玉米螟雄蛾后,存活雄蛾对信息素定向行为反应受到较大的影响。

    Topically applied sublethal doses of deltamethrin can significantly interrupt male Asian corn borer to perform the sequence of behavior response to pheromone .

  15. 由于当前实验中的物体词汇不能预测目标的位置,我们所得的结果显示了物体词汇的定向是反应性的。

    AS the object words in the Present experiments could not predict the location of the target , our results indicate that orienting from object words is reflexive .

  16. 材料在线性偏振紫外光辐照下均可发生定向光交联反应,通过红外光谱和凝胶渗透色谱跟踪检测,表明光交联类型为[2+2]环加成。

    These monomers could be crosslinked under irradiation of linearly polarized ultraviolet light . FTIR spectra and GPC spectra were used to measure the results in real time . The results indicated that the crosslinking reaction was [ 2 + 2 ] cycloaddition .

  17. 癫痫组和对照组的定向网络与Stroop反应时干扰量呈正相关。

    The orienting network has direct correlation to the time interfered effects of Stroop in epilepsy group and control group .

  18. 分析了影响DQ催化剂性能的关键因素,改进了DQ催化剂的制备工艺及配方,提高了DQ催化剂的立体定向性及聚合反应活性。

    The key influence factor on the performance of DQ spherical catalyst had been described . The synthetic process and recipe , the stereo specificity and the activity of the catalyst had all been improved .

  19. 除此之外,定向凝固包晶反应过程中,相的竞争与选择及界面形态的演化也将同时对金属间化合物的凝固组织产生重要的影响。

    At the same time , the phase competing and the solid / liquid interface evolution will affect the solidification structures significantly .

  20. 结果表明:我国少年短道速滑运动员的专项心理能力由协调能力、心理状态控制力、目标定向能力、快速反应能力、时空判断能力5方面组成。

    The result indicates that the special psychological abilities of adolescent short-tract speed skaters consist of five factors : coordinating control ability , psychological state control ability , target state ability , quick reaction control ability , and time and space control .

  21. 扩散状光性定向粘粒对光的一种定向反应。

    Optically oriented clay of diffuse form an orienting response to light .