
  1. 建设工期定额水平及评审的研究

    On the Level and Appraisement for the Project Time Limit Quota

  2. 综合治理提高劳动定额水平

    Synthetically Administer Raising Level of Standard Time

  3. 并针对其主要原因提出提高劳动定额水平的具体对策,批评了当前不重视效率的观念和牺牲效率解决就业的政策;

    It criticizes idea that the efficiency isn 't paid attention to currently and the policy that the efficiency is given up for solving the employment .

  4. 本文讨论了材料节约奖励水平(额度)材料消耗量之间的一般规律,给定了合理的材料消耗定额和最佳奖励水平的概念。

    In this article , a general principle is discussed governing the relationship between rewarding levels for material frugality and material consumption .

  5. 随着科技的发展,为提高企业工时定额制订工作的水平、质量和效率,利用计算机系统辅助工时定额工作势在必行。

    With the development of the technology , it is necessary to improve the quality and efficiency of the man-hour rationing by using computer aided technologies .

  6. 系统对时间研究与方法研究并重,有助于改变国内定额方法落后,定额水平低下的现状。

    The system attaches importance to not only time study but also method study . This make for ration methods advanced and ration level improving .

  7. 定额标准化是提高企业劳动定额管理水平的唯一出路。

    Quota standardization is the unique means to improve the management level of enterprise labor quota .

  8. 并提出了合理的能耗定额取值为5302.28kWh/(人·a),定额水平为43.18%。

    Proposing that the reasonable energy consumption quota value is 5302.28 kWh / ( p · a ), and the quota level is 43.18 % .

  9. 阐述了在合理低价中标的形势下,制订企业定额的必要性、作用、概念和编制原则,以及提高企业定额水平的一些具体措施。

    Under the situation of winning the bid with reasonably low quotation , this article explains the necessity , role , concept and preparation principle of working out the enterprise rating , and a couple of measures to increase the level of the said rating .

  10. 劳动定额作为企业&项重要的基础工作,其所要解决的关键问题是工时定额水平及其平衡性问题。

    As an important basic work in enterprise , man-hour quota standard and its balance should be the key problem to be settled .

  11. 阐述了企业定额的编制原则和方法,以及本公司的应用实务和取得的技术经济效益,探讨了提高企业定额管理水平的思路。

    The present paper describes the principle and method for drawing up the working quota of the enterprise and its application in the Company as well as actual economic and technical results achieved in the Company and discusses some considerations for improvement in quota management level of the Company .