
  • 网络existing railway
  1. 应用GPSRTK进行既有铁路里程丈量的精度分析

    Analysis on Measurement Accuracy of Existing Railway with GPS RTK

  2. 既有铁路路基下软岩隧道的CRD法施工技术

    Construction Technology of Soft Rock Tunnel by CRD Method under the Bed of Existing Railway

  3. 应用全站仪与PDA掌上电脑实现既有铁路测量一体化系统原理探讨

    Exploration for Application of Total Station Machine and PDA Handset Computer to Realize Integrated System of Surveying Existing Railways

  4. 高速铁路是指列车运行速度200km/h以上的铁路,我国对既有铁路进行提速改造的同时,拟修建京沪高速铁路,全长1307km,时速250km。

    The train operating speed in high speed railway is usually over 200 km / h. While raising speed on existing railways in China , the Jing Hu High Speed Railway will be constructed with running speed of 250km / h and having a total length of 1307m .

  5. 基于坐标的既有铁路曲线整正约束优化算法研究

    Existing Railway Curve Realignment Constrained Optimization Algorithm Research Based on Coordinates

  6. 我国既有铁路提速的试验研究

    Test and Research for Speed Raising on Existing Railways in China

  7. 既有铁路跨线立交桥架梁施工技术研究

    Research on erecting beam construction technology of existing railway overhead overpass

  8. 既有铁路混凝土桥梁的维修及经济使用寿命预测

    Maintenance and Economic Service Life Prediction of Existing Railway Concrete Bridges

  9. 既有铁路提速改造信号过渡方案的探讨

    Discussion on Transit Scheme for Signal Upgrading of Speed-lifting Railway Lines

  10. 数字化测图在既有铁路航复测工程中的应用

    The Application of Photogrammetric Digital Mapping in Railway Re surveying

  11. 整正及增改建既有铁路曲线方法

    The Curve Method of Adjusting and Improving the Existing Railways

  12. 既有铁路提速改造线路方案研究

    Study of Speed-increase Solution for Railway Section of Existing Line

  13. 我国既有铁路航测技术及应用

    Aerophotogrammetric Technology and Its Applications to Accomplished Railways in China

  14. 紧靠既有铁路线的低桩承台施工技术

    Construction Technology for Low Capped Pile Foundations Close to an Existing Railway

  15. 既有铁路桥涵施工安全防护技术

    The Safeguarding Technology for Existing Bridges and Culverts in Duplicate Railway Construction

  16. 既有铁路提速改造的桥梁设计

    The bridge design of built railway reconstruction for speed upgrading

  17. 高速铁路对既有铁路枢纽的影响分析

    Effects of Introducing High Speed Railway into Existing Railway Terminal

  18. 既有铁路桥梁横向加固施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Lateral Strengthening of an Existing Railway Bridge

  19. 提高既有铁路干线旅客运送速度的探讨

    Exploration of Raising Passenger Train Speed on Existing Main Lines

  20. 既有铁路桥梁的整孔吊装技术研究

    The Study of Integral Hoisting Technology on Existing Railway Bridges

  21. 杭州某市政隧道过既有铁路暗挖施工技术

    Undercutting construction technology of a municipal tunnel beneath existing railways in Hangzhou

  22. 既有铁路线下公铁立交桥施工技术及方案评估

    Project Evaluation and Construction Technology for Viaduct Under Existed Railway

  23. 基于城市客运服务的既有铁路线路改造方案分析

    Urban passenger transport oriented upgrading of existing national railway lines

  24. 地质雷达技术在既有铁路挡墙质量检测评价中的应用

    Application of GPR to Quality Inspection of Retaining Wall of Existing Railway

  25. 某既有铁路隧道改扩建施工方法探讨

    Discussion on reconstruction and expansion construction method of an existing railway tunnel

  26. 既有铁路混凝土桥梁螺栓破断原因分析

    Fracture Analysis of U-Shaped Bolt in Existing Railway Concrete Bridge

  27. 既有铁路线下大跨度框架桥顶进施工

    Jacking Construction of Long-span Frame Bride of Existed Railway

  28. 既有铁路钢桥的系统疲劳可靠度评估

    Systems fatigue reliability assessment of existing steel railway bridges

  29. 既有铁路参与城市交通运营的研究

    Study on application of existing railways in urban transport

  30. 既有铁路路基边开挖桥梁基坑的防护技术

    Bridge Pit Wall Protection Technique Near Existing Railway Embankment