
jì dé quán
  • Vested rights;acquired rights
  1. 期待权与既得权相对,是一项仍处于发展中的权利;

    Acquired the right to expect the right relative is still in a development rights ;

  2. 美国国际私法既得权时代之法哲学论析

    American private international law of the vested rights era : viewing from legal philosophy perspective

  3. 既得权理论在目前获得的支持甚少,事实上它已经遭到猛烈的批评。

    The theory of vested rights receives scant support at present day and it has , indeed , been devastatingly criticized .

  4. 放弃继承权是对继承既得权予以放弃的意思表示,兼具身份行为和财产行为的性质。

    Abandonment of heirdom is to abandon the acquired right , which has the characters of both status act and property act .

  5. 合同解除权取得的研究可以从期待权和既得权两个层面展开。

    The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right .

  6. 根据民事权利的成立要件是否具备,可以将民事权利分为期待权和既得权。

    According to having or not all the important conditions for the establishment of civil rights , civil rights can be divided into vested right and expectant right .

  7. 期待权的性质因为所指向的既得权的性质不同而难以下一个确定的结论,只能将其放在具体的期待权制度中去考察。

    Because the character of each target right is different , it is difficult to make a definite decision for expectant right . Therefore we can only study this kind of right from a specific condition .

  8. 有关征地补偿理论根据的学说主要有既得权说、恩惠说、公平负担说、社会职务说、公用征收说、土地效用说以及特别牺牲说。

    For the theoretical basis of the doctrine of land compensation are vested rights theory , Grace Theory , Theory of fair burden , Theory of social functions , Expropriation theory , Land utility theory and Special sacrifice theory .

  9. 企业也要充分利用利用既得受益权规则来实现自己的人力资源管理战略。

    Enterprises should also make full use of vested annuity to achieve their human resources management strategy .

  10. 企业年金中的既得受益权是指劳动合同期内,企业向员工个人年金账户供款记入个人账户的比例。

    Vested right of enterprise annuity refers to the ratio that enterprise 's contribution to employee personal pension accounts credited to individual accounts in labor contract period .

  11. 只有继承人享有、行使既得继承权,并依据物权的公示公信原则实现了所有权主体的更替,继承权才能转化为所有权。

    Heirship cannot convert into ownership unless the heirs enjoy and exercise obtained heirship , and realize the transition of ownership subjects in terms of the principle of publicity and credit .

  12. 期待权是一项与完整权利、既得权利相对称的权利,是处于向既得权过渡阶段的权利,是一项不完整的权利、未来的权利以及动态性与静态性相结合的权利。

    Relatively with entire right and vested right , expected right is one right that is in the transition stage to the vested right , and that is one imperfect , future and combining dynamic with static right .