
jìn chū kǒu jīnɡ yínɡ quán
  • power of management over import and export businesses
  1. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  2. CX公司成立于一九九五年十月,是经外经贸部批准有自主外贸进出口经营权和边境小额贸易经营权的民营股份制企业。

    CX Company was established in October , 1995 , a private-owned international trade enterprise with import & export and Border Trade rights approved by the former MOFTEC .

  3. 企业拥有自营进出口经营权,可直接与外商开展贸易。

    We have the license to run lmp . & Exp. Business directly with any country .

  4. 太原市合成化工厂创建于1992年,享有独立的进出口经营权。主要从事精细化工的生产和研发。

    Taiyuan Synthetic Chemical Factory was built in1992 , Which have the right of import and export .

  5. 云南银健企业集团是一家具有进出口经营权的私营股份制集团公司。

    Yunnan Silver Jian Enterprise Group is a company with import and export operation rights of the private joint-stock group .

  6. 一九八八年,该公司获进出口经营权,采用“天使牌”作为本企业产品注册商标。

    In1988 , the company has gained self-managing of import and export and adopted " Angel Brand " as its registered trade-mark .

  7. 宁波象山县对外贸易有限公司是经国家批准,享有自营进出口经营权的专业公司。

    Approved by the State , Ningbo Xiangshan Foreign Trade Co. , Ltd. is a comprehensive foreign trade company with the right of import and export .

  8. 成立于1997年(始建于1987年),是一个集贸易、装配为一体的现代化企业,具有进出口经营权。

    It was established in1997 ( founded in1987 ), is a set of trade , assembly as one of the modern enterprise with import and export rights .

  9. 以真空阀门、真空泵及真空法兰连接件三大类为主导产品,拥有自营进出口经营权和十多项自主研发的专利产品。

    Vacuum valves , vacuum pumps and vacuum flange connections are the three leading products , we possess import-export operations , and more than ten self-developed patent products .

  10. 我公司是经国家对外经济贸易合作部审核批准,享有进出口经营权的股份制综合性国际贸易公司。

    My company is approved by state ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation has approved the right of import and export , comprehensive international trade company stock .

  11. 公司拥有外贸进出口经营权,在国内拥有多家联合工厂,是一家综合性的大型工贸企业。

    The company has the right to import and export business in China has a number of joint factory , is a comprehensive and large-scale industry and trade enterprises .

  12. 其所属上海朗特机电设备有限公司具有国家自营进出口经营权,主营机电产品的进出口贸易和国内贸易业务,且为上海对外经济贸易协会成员单位。

    The subsidiary , Shanghai Longtime Mechanical ; Eletrical Equipment Comppany has acquired the national I ; E rights , and is one member of Shanghai Foreign Economic and Trade Association .

  13. 公司1997年取得进出口经营权,“正达”牌分割冻鸡肉远销到日本、香港、中东、欧洲等国家和地区。

    Our company got the right of import and export in1997 and the cold storage chicken portions were sold to Japan , Hong kong , Middle East and European Countries and regions .

  14. 本公司拥有自营进出口经营权,设有国际贸易部,财务部,对俄贸易部和生产部;包括硝染车间,裁制车间,配置车间,缝制车间,吊制车间。

    Hebei hengxing has its own right of export & import and has set up its international department , Russian department and factory including Dying , clipping , confecting , sewing and trimming workshops .

  15. 随着进出口经营权的进一步放宽,外贸企业的数量和外贸出口额有很大的飞跃,进一步加深了世界对中国制造的印象。

    Owing to the further relaxing of the export and import business rights , the number of foreign trade company and export volume have been increased a lot and let " Make in China " got even more impressive worldwide .

  16. 中国放开进出口经营权后,将有更多的企业走向国际市场,然而,许多经营者的商标权的国际保护意识却滞后于对外贸易发展势头。

    After China unlocked the power to engage in import and export trade , more and more enterprises enter in the international market at the same time . But the consciousness of international protection of trademark lag behind the current situation of foreign trade .

  17. 随着我国外贸体制改革的深入,国有外贸公司对外贸进出口经营的垄断权正在被打破。

    State-owned foreign trade companies are now being bereaved the monopoly rights in foreign trade vary with the reform within China 's foreign trade region .

  18. 本公司是一家以冷冻,加工销售为一体的专业水产贸易进出口公司,拥有进出口经营权。

    Our company is a comprehensive enterprise with the right of I / E , specialized in seafood importing , freezing , processing , distributing and retailing .

  19. 历史性地开放了中外合资外贸进出口企业和中国私营生产企业进出口经营权。

    The control over import and export right of private manufacturing enterprises was also lifted , which is of historic significance .

  20. 我公司是中国食品土畜进出口商会蜂产品分会会员,享有自营进出口经营权。

    Our company is a member of Bee 's Products Branch in foodstuff and native and livestock products import and export chamber of commerce , holding self-supporting import and export working right .

  21. 我国进出口水产品冷链物流的六西格玛管理模式研究本公司是一家以冷冻,加工销售为一体的专业水产贸易进出口公司,拥有进出口经营权。

    Management Mode on Six Sigma of Chinese Import and Export Aquatic Products Cold-chain Logistics ; Our company is a comprehensive enterprise with the right of I / E , specialized in seafood importing , freezing , processing , distributing and retailing .