
jìn chū jìnɡ huò wù
  • entry and exit cargoes;entry and export cargos
  1. 海关物流监控是海关对进出境货物实施监管的过程中从海关自身的管理职能出发形成的一套对国际物流管理的理论。

    Customs logistics supervision is formation the international logistics management theory from Customs itself management functions in the process of supervision import and export cargo .

  2. 海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过呻报、查验和放行三个环节。

    Three steps-declaration , examination of goods and release of goods , are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods .

  3. 经电缆、管道或者其他特殊方式输送进出境的货物,经营单位应当定期向指定的海关申报

    " Where goods enter or leave the territory by electric cables , pipelines or other special means of conveyance , the management units concerned shall report at regular intervals to the designated Customs establishment "

  4. 违反海关法规,致使海关不能或者中断对进出境运输工具、货物、物品实施监管的。

    To violate the customs laws and regulations which makes it impossible or suspended that the customs supervise and control over the inward and outward means of transport , goods and articles .