
  1. 传统观点认为,外汇储备不得少于3&4个月的进口付汇额,亚洲金融危机后,又提出外汇储备不得少于短期外债的规模。

    Traditional view , the foreign exchange reserves should not be less than 3-4 months of imports and payment of the Asian financial crisis , has proposed a foreign currency reserve should not be less than the size of short-term foreign debt .

  2. 对大型煤炭企业出口收汇、进口付汇、外币贷款债务及境外项目投资等业务中的外汇风险进行了定性和定量相结合的估计评价分析。

    It conducts qualitative and quantitative estimation , evaluation and analysis of foreign exchange risks in such business areas as foreign exchange collection for coal exports , foreign exchange payments for coal imports , foreign currency loan debt , and overseas project investment .

  3. 企业凭进口付汇到货核销表、收汇凭证以及国际收支涉外收入申报单等相关单证到外汇局办理贸易进口付汇核销手续。

    Enterprises shall handle the procedures of verification of import payments in foreign exchange with administration of foreign exchange upon the documents including verification statement of import payments in foreign exchange , the foreign exchange collection vouchers and the foreign-related revenue declaration documents of international revenue and expenditure .

  4. 即从10月8日起,旧系统不再受理新的进口报关单电子底帐核查业务,除尚未结案进口付汇报关数据仍在老系统内处理外,新业务必须在新系统中办理。

    Except for those import forex payment declaration data which are not concluded and will still be processed in the old system , new businesses must be processed in the new system .