
  • 网络customs data
  1. 海关数据显示,2019年第一季度中国对外商品贸易年同比增长3.7%,达到7.01万亿元(1.04万亿美元)。

    China 's foreign trade of goods climbed 3.7 percent year on year in the first quarter to 7.01 trillion yuan ( 1.04 trillion U.S. dollars ) , customs data showed Friday .

  2. 根据日内瓦世界贸易信息服务(GTI)搜集的海关数据,2009年前10个月,中国出口了9570亿美元的商品,高于德国的9170亿美元。

    China exported $ 957bn of goods in the first 10 months of 2009 , compared with $ 917bn for Germany , according to customs data compiled by Global Trade Information Services , a Geneva-based firm .

  3. 海关数据显示,去年中国进口奶粉达到创纪录的100万吨。

    China imported a record 1m tons of milk powder last year , customs data shows .

  4. 据海关数据显示,今年前10个月,中国从美国进口了约150万吨玉米。

    China imported about 1.5 million tons of corn from the U.S. in the first 10 months of this year , according to customs data .

  5. 根据海关数据,2008年第一季度,中国的出口增长率三年来首次下降。

    For the first time in three years , the growth rate for Chinese exports in the first quarter of2008 declined , according to customs figures .

  6. 中国海关数据显示,来自委内瑞拉的进口原油数量在2009年至2011年间翻了一番还多,达到了每天约231000桶。

    Crude imports from Venezuela , for example , more than doubled between 2009 and 2011 to about 231,000 barrels a day , according to China customs data .

  7. 海关数据显示,上月中国钢材出口达到创纪录的852万吨,同比增长73%。

    Exports of steel from China were a record 8.52m tonnes last month , an increase of 73 per cent from a year earlier , according to customs data .

  8. 但是,从有关经济体海关数据来看,澳大利亚、南非、巴西、土耳其等国对华出口仍保持了两位数以上的正增长;

    However , from the economies of customs data , Australia , South Africa , Brazil , Turkey and other countries exports to China are still maintained two-digit positive growth ;

  9. 5月的最新海关数据显示,中国玉米进口为40.3881万吨(主要用于牲畜饲料),其中近95%来自乌克兰。

    The latest customs data for May shows China imported 403881 tonnes of corn - mainly used as livestock feed - of which almost 95 per cent came from Ukraine .

  10. 根据周一发布的中国官方海关数据,9月份中国出口出现了19个月来的最高增速,同比增加15.3%。

    Chinese exports grew at their fastest pace in 19 months in September , rising 15.3 per cent from a year ago , according to official customs data published on Monday .

  11. 海关数据显示,从伊拉克进口的原油仍仅占中国原油进口总量的十分之一,在中国能源总需求中的占比也不到1%。

    Customs data show that imports of Iraqi crude still comprise just one-tenth of China 's total oil imports , and less than 1 % of the country 's overall energy needs .

  12. 海关数据显示,在“十三五”期间,中国进出口商品的总税率创下历史新低,这是中国降低增值税和关税的结果。

    Customs data shows that China 's overall tax rate on imported goods hit an low during the 13th Five-Year Plan period , a result of the country 's move to reduce value-added tax and tariffs .

  13. 9月,中国内地对香港出口与香港从中国内地进口之间的差距大幅升高。在理论上,这两者是同一枚硬币的正反两面,是基于两地的海关数据得出的。

    The gap between Chinese exports to Hong Kong and Hong Kong imports from China – theoretically two sides of the same coin and based on customs data from the two jurisdictions – rose sharply in September .

  14. 这种观点昨日得到中国海关数据的支持,这些数据显示,上月中国进口了创纪录的30.774万吨铜,而今年头三个月进口量上升58%。

    That view was supported by Chinese customs data yesterday , showing a record 307,740 tonnes of copper were imported last month , with imports up 58 per cent in the first three months of the year .

  15. 海关数据显示,去年1-11月份,中国成为柴油净出口国,柴油出口量达到270万吨,合每日6.2万桶,较上年同期增长66%。

    In the January-November period , China was a net exporter of diesel , shipping abroad 2.7 million metric tons , or 62,000 barrels a day , customs data show , up 66 % from a year earlier .

  16. 海关数据显示,如今中国原油进口总量中约有50%来自中东地区。分析人士说,从中期看,这一比例不太可能大幅下降。

    About 50 % of China * s crude imports is now sourced from the Middle East , according to customs data , and analysts say it 's unlikely that number will fall dramatically over the medium term .

  17. 中国海关数据显示,4月份石油进口达到每日740万桶(相当于全球每日石油消费量的13分之一),超过美国每日720万桶的进口量。

    Chinese customs data showed that oil purchases from overseas hit a high of 7.4m barrels a day in April , equivalent to one in every 13 barrels consumed and topping US imports of 7.2m barrels a day .

  18. 虽然我们预计年内进出口增长都会放缓,出口放缓至10%到15%,进口放缓至15%到20%,但我们预计2011年贸易顺差将达到1400亿美元至1500亿美元(按海关数据)。

    While we expect both export and import growth to slow in the rest of the year , to10-15 % for exports and15-20 % for imports , we see trade surplus reaching $ 140-150 billion ( customs basis ) in2011 .

  19. 根据中国海关数据,2月份中国铜进口量跌至两年来的最低水平。在十年多一点的时期内,中国铜消耗量占全球的比例从10%猛增到了40%。

    Imports by the country , whose share of global copper consumption has soared from 10 per cent to 40 per cent in little over a decade , dropped to their lowest in two years in February , according to customs data .

  20. 最新海关数据显示,十月份中国出口按人民币计算同比下跌了3.2%,较之九月份5.6%的跌幅下降速度有所减缓,进口从上个月的2.2%上涨了3.2%。

    Latest customs data show China 's exports measured in yuan fell 3.2 percent in October , a slower pace of decline than the 5.6 percent fall in September , while imports rose 3.2 percent , up from 2.2 percent last month .

  21. 根据中国海关的数据,今年头十个月,中国对美国出口同比增长5.2%,对东盟(Asean)国家出口同比增长3.7%。

    In the first 10 months of the year , Chinese exports to the US were up 5.2 per cent from the same period in 2014 , while exports to countries in Asean were up 3.7 per cent , according to Chinese customs figures .

  22. 中国海关的数据也显示,自2009年以来,中国从伊拉克进口的原油量已增长一倍。

    China 's imports of Iraqi crude have doubled since 2009 , according to Chinese customs data .

  23. 据海关统计数据显示,2009年2月份,我国的出口额环比负增长25.7%。

    According to the Customs statistics : in February 2009 , Chinese total exports decreased 25.7 % .

  24. 进出口伪报与中国资本控制的缺陷&海关统计数据揭示的事实

    The Misreporting of External Trade and Shortcomings of Capital Control of China : the Truth Custom Statistics Shows

  25. 据海关统计数据,上月中国每天进口460万桶原油,月度进口量创下历史新高,比去年7月增加42%。

    China imported 4.6m barrels of crude oil a day last month , the highest monthly amount ever and up 42 per cent from last July , according to customs figures .

  26. 先界定了我国机电类的主要产品,然后本文借鉴国内外相关研究成果,建立了出口竞争力指标评价体系,利用这一指标评价体系对历年来的海关统计数据进行定量分析。

    First defined the main export products of electromechanical kind , then carried on the diagnosis analysis to these main products export competitiveness , this article profits from the overseas export competitiveness indexes evaluation system .

  27. 据海关统计数据显示,2005年我国对外贸易总量已达到了14221.2亿美元,相当于十五时期初2001年的2.8倍,位居全球第三位。

    According to the statistics of Chinese National Customhouse , the total volume of Chinese foreign trade arrived at 1422.1 billion $ in 2005 , 2.8 times as much as early in 2001 , when China was undergoing tenth-five-year-plan .

  28. .据中国海关总署数据表明,仅今年前5个月,中俄两国双边贸易额就已经达到了330亿美元,比去年同期增涨33.7%。

    According to data released by China 's General Administration of Customs , the bilateral trade volume between China and Russia reached nearly 33 billion U.S. dollars in the first five months this year , growing 33.7 percent year on year .

  29. 根据中国海关统计数据,跟踪研究分析了2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的情况,归纳总结出2002年中国矿产品进出口贸易的一些主要特点

    According to the basic information of customs statistics , the paper analyzes the facts of import and export trade of the China 's mineral products in 2002 Also the main characteristics of china 's mineral product trade in 2002 are summarized

  30. 根据中国海关的数据,去年中国从欧盟成员国进口的多晶硅总价值达至少8.7亿美元,这个数据并不区分太阳能级多晶硅和不在贸易调查范围内的其它品级的多晶硅。

    Last year , Chinese imports of polysilicon from EU member countries were worth at least $ 870m , according to Chinese customs data , which does not differentiate between solar-grade polysilicon and other types of polysilicon not covered in the trade case .