
  • grey custom clearance
  1. 其次,中俄贸易也存在广泛使用贸易壁垒、缺乏公平贸易环境等与WTO规则相悖的做法,正是这些不规范的做法催生了中俄贸易摩擦频繁、灰色清关屡禁不止等问题。

    Secondly , there are behaviors that against the regulations of WTO , such as using trade barriers widely and lack of fair environment of trade , which gives rise to trade friction and gray customs clearance .

  2. 但是近年来,由于俄罗斯国内经济形势的好转和加入WTO的需要,开始整顿灰色清关,这给浙江出口企业造成了极大的损失。

    In recent years , Russia has commenced settling the gray clearance problems due to the improvement of its national economy and the needs of entering WTO , which caused great damages to the export enterprises in Zhejiang .

  3. 由灰色清关引发的中俄民间贸易的思考

    Thoughts on Sino-Russian Nongovernmental Trade While Concerning the Grey Customs Clearance Policy

  4. 解析中俄贸易中的灰色清关问题

    Analyze the Trade Issue of " Gray Custom Clearance " to Sino-Russia

  5. 浙江省面对俄灰色清关应采取的对策

    Countermeasures Taken against Russian Gray Clearance

  6. 对中俄贸易中灰色清关问题的思考浙江省面对俄灰色清关应采取的对策

    THINKING ABOUT THE PROBLEMS OF " GRAY CLEARANCE " IN SINO-RUSSIA TRADE Countermeasures Taken against Russian Gray Clearance

  7. 长期以来,浙江对俄罗斯商品出口主要采用灰色清关方式。

    Ever since a long time ago , gray clearance has been taken as a leading method in the export from Zhejiang to Russia .

  8. 灰色清关是制约中俄两国经贸发展的瓶颈,解决这一问题需要中俄双方通力合作,加强不同层面的交流。

    " Gray Custom Clearance " is the bottleneck problem restraining development of China and Russia 's trade , it needs Sino-Russia to work together to solve this problem , strengthen the exchanges of the different aspects .