
huī sè shì chǎnɡ
  • Grey market;gray market
  1. 尽管新款iPhone最早也要几周后才能在中国大陆正式发售,但它的灰色市场已经崩塌了。

    But the gray market for the new iPhones has already dried up , even though they will not officially go on sale in China for a few weeks , at the earliest .

  2. 但就是这个所谓的灰色市场,多年来一直魅力不减。

    However , it is just this so-called gray market that remained attractive for years .

  3. 更新:有报道称,中国的海关人员正在收缴灰色市场的iPhone。在那之后,周日在Soho区的亚裔美国人比例有了明显下降。

    UPDATE : The ratio of Asian Americans in Soho dropped visibly Sunday after Chinese customs officials were reported to be confiscating grey market iPhones .

  4. isuppli中国研究部主管王阳(kevinwang)表示:“由于灰色市场的利润率受到挤压,各生产厂家已开始大举出口。”

    Kevin Wang , director of China Research for iSuppli . Said : " margins in the grey market are being squeezed so producers have started exporting aggressively . "

  5. 尽管新iPad在中国发售的时间晚于其他国家,但在中国的灰色市场早就可以买到这款产品了。那里的新iPad是从美国和香港等地运来的。

    Though it debuted late in China compared with many other nations , the product has been available in China 's gray markets , where vendors have them shipped in from places like the U.S. and Hong Kong .

  6. 不过,tcl、华为(huawei)和中兴通讯(zte)等国产品牌的崛起,使得许多灰色市场手机制造商面临着更为激烈的竞争,特别是在中国非智能手机市场已逐渐饱和的情况下。

    Yet the rise of Chinese brands such as TCL , Huawei and ZTE has meant greater competition for many grey-market handset makers , particularly as the market for basic mobile phones within China has become saturated .

  7. isuppli表示,随着国际品牌手机制造商在新兴市场推出新机型对抗翻版手机,灰色市场的规模预计将在2012年见顶,达到1.92亿部。

    According to iSuppli , the grey market could peak at 192m units in 2012 as global branded handset makers are expected to respond with new models in emerging markets .

  8. 有些更为成功的灰色市场手机制造商已转向制造智能手机。

    Some of the more successful grey-market manufacturers have turned to making smartphones .

  9. 然而,在保证金贷款灰色市场的黑暗世界里,却没什么规则可言。

    In the murky world of grey-market margin lending , however , few rules apply .

  10. 这是因为灰色市场的手机供应商将无法进一步降价。

    This is because grey market cellphone suppliers will be unable to cut prices any further .

  11. 药物中间商囤积居奇,灰色市场兴盛一时。

    A grey market has flourished , with middlemen hoarding drugs and selling them at a premium .

  12. 尽管通用并未正式在华销售悍马,一个繁荣的灰色市场却已经兴起。

    Even though GM does not officially sell Hummers in China , a booming grey market has developed .

  13. 由于类似产品在灰色市场上销售,我们公司损失很大。

    Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market .

  14. 建立了公司和多个农户在灰色市场价格下多个农户具有竞争关系下的灰博弈模型,分析了各种博弈结果下的灰色收益。

    The grey game model in the grey market price , which multi-farmer have competition relations , is first established .

  15. 灰色市场的存在及运作机制,显示宗教管制效果的局限并不以人们的主观努力为转移。

    The existence and dynamics of the gray market show that the limited effect of religious regulation is beyond subjective desires .

  16. 对基督教来说,体制内的教会是红色市场,体制外的非建制教会是灰色市场,而异端、极端则是黑色市场。

    In Christian , institutionalized church is Red Market , non-institutionalized church is Gray Market , and heresy and extremism are Black Market .

  17. 尽管两家企业均已退市,但投资者仍在灰色市场购买其普通股和优先股,如今他们希望自己的投机得到回报。

    Although both enterprises were delisted , investors bought their common and preferred shares on the grey market and now want their speculation redeemed .

  18. 灰色市场手机缺乏部分或所有合法性标志,如许可证、产品认证、知识产权或安全识别码。

    Grey market handsets are devices lacking some or all measures of legitimacy such as licences , product certification , intellectual property or security IDs .

  19. 如今,特斯科是通过从欧洲其它国家的所谓“灰色市场”买进便宜的李维的产品,然后再卖出去。

    Now , Tesco has started buying cheap Levi 's from the so-called " gray market " in other EU countries and selling them on .

  20. 他下令让司法部门调查灰色市场,这有助于缓解药物缺乏,然而还不能根除。

    He has asked the Justice Department to investigate the grey market , a step that will treat a symptom of the shortage but not its cause .

  21. 东丽表示了解自身产品在中国存在灰色市场,其中一些商品是原进口商撕掉商标后再进行转卖。

    Toray said it is aware of the grey market in its products in China , some which are resold by the original importers with labels torn off .

  22. 但是,灰色市场手机制造商能否把自己的成功转化到智能手机领域,而如此一来它们的低迷是否会引发一场更持久的衰退,都引起了越来越多的争论。

    But there is a growing debate about whether grey-market manufacturers can translate their success to smartphones , and thus whether their slump is the start of a more permanent decline .

  23. 这些中国制造商希望,在印度进行生产,将有助于他们在该国获得政治资本。去年印度开始整治中国制造的灰色市场手机。

    The manufacturers hope production in India will help them gain political capital in the country , and comes after India last year started to crack down on Chinese-made grey market handsets .

  24. 此举被认为部分是为了弥补欧元对人民币贬值,同时也是为了打击灰色市场(商品通过未授权的零售商卖出)。

    This move is attributed in part to making up for the weakness of the euro against the renminbi and also to combating the grey market , where goods are sold through unauthorised retailers .

  25. 手机、平板电脑和游戏机等电子产品的走私十分猖獗,许多此类设备的“灰色市场”,其规模甚至超过了正常分销渠道的销量。

    The smuggling of electronic gadgets like handsets , tablet computers and game consoles is so rampant that the ' grey market ' for many of these devices already exceeds the amount sold through regular distribution channels .

  26. 结果表明,1993-1996年间,国有单位和集体组织是灰色土地市场的主体;

    The results show that during 1993 and 1996 , state unites and collective organizations are the dominating violators .

  27. 提出了灰色有效市场假说,并把金融市场上的有效性异常现象纳入了一个解释框架。

    It puts forward gray efficient hypothesis of market , and bring into the anomalies of stock market into one explanation frame .

  28. 很多传闻称,企业没有资金支付公用事业费账单,灰色放贷市场利率飙升,以及不受监管的信用合作社倒闭。

    Stories abound of missed utilities payments , surges in interest rates in the grey lending markets , and collapses of unregulated credit unions .

  29. 中国灰色金融市场的历史很长,一些小型的、非正式的和不合法的团体将资金流入那些银行没有很好覆盖的领域。

    China has a long history of gray-market financing flowing from small , informal and unregulated groups , to sectors not well covered by banks .

  30. 本文从土地资源配置体制演进的视角分析了灰色土地市场形成的过程,并利用收集到的土地违法案件的数据对灰色土地市场的现状做了分析。

    In perspective of evolution processes of the land allocation system , the paper analyzes the forming process of gray land market . Using the data collected of illegal land cases , we study the gray land market situation .