
  • 网络lemon market;The Market for Lemons
  1. 在获得诺贝尔奖的柠檬市场研究中,乔治•阿克洛夫(GeorgeAkerlof)对最终的二级市场会是什么样子做出了著名的解释。

    George Akerlof famously explained what the eventual secondary market would be like in his Nobel Prize-winning study of " the market for lemons " .

  2. 浅析电子商务市场中的信任机制&基于柠檬市场理论的分析

    Trust Mechanism in the Internet Market & Based on the Lemon Market Theory

  3. 如此而言,这就是一次金融柠檬市场的危机。

    This then is a crisis in the market for financial lemons .

  4. 柠檬市场与不完全逆向选择

    The Market for " Lemons " and Incomplete Adverse Selection

  5. 逆向选择下的柠檬市场&试析诚信缺失下的中国证券市场

    China 's Security Market in the Absence of Credit

  6. 但它们不应促使柠檬市场继续存在下去。

    But they should not promote the survival of a market in lemons .

  7. 产业集群的柠檬市场现象分析及对策

    The Analysis on and Measures to the " Lemons Market " of Industrial Cluster

  8. 薪酬政策要避免的陷阱&人力资源管理中的柠檬市场

    Avoiding the Trap in Salary Policy Making

  9. 专家们还不确定在这次危机后,柠檬市场将呈现什么样的态势。

    Experts remain uncertain what normal will be following the hit the lime market has taken .

  10. 中国股票市场的柠檬市场悖论及其行为金融学分析

    The " lemon " market paradox in China 's stock market and its behav-ior finance analysis

  11. 本文对于航空运输销售代理业发展过程中所存在的“柠檬市场”现象,进行了较为全面的描述。

    This paper studies the problem of synchronized scheduling of production and air transportation in supply chain .

  12. 论售房养老模式中的柠檬市场问题

    On the Problem of " Lemon Market " in the Mode of Selling House Property for Pension

  13. 柠檬市场颇为清淡,供出售的商品不很多。

    Lemon have hen rather quite , and there be only a few commodity available for sale .

  14. 基于信息不对称理论,来了解集群柠檬市场风险形成的原因及其带来的危害。

    Based on the theory of asymmetric information , this paper analyses the cause of clusters ' Lemons Market .

  15. 然后着重分析了目前我国食物安全信息的共享现状,探讨了与食物安全信息共享有关的柠檬市场问题。

    What is more , it also discusses the " lemonmarket " problem related to food safety information sharing .

  16. 但是,该模式在推行中会由于种种不确定性而遭遇“柠檬市场”难题。

    However , this mode will encounter the difficulty of " lemon market " in its implementation due to various uncertainties .

  17. 本文分析了集群中柠檬市场产生的原因以及柠檬市场可能造成的危害,并提出了解决集群中柠檬市场这一问题的对策。

    This paper analyzes the reasons and the harm of " lemons market ", finally presents some measures to solve the problem .

  18. 园区内企业尚未形成共生机制,而诱发企业之间恶性竞争,导致园区集群出现柠檬市场风险;

    Fifth , enterprises in the park haven 't been formed a symbiotic mechanism , the vicious competition between enterprises cause the risk of " lemon market " .

  19. 现行职称评定体系存在着严重的弊端,导致教授市场出现柠檬市场。在短期内因退出障碍虽不会出现劣币逐良币,但在长期内,教授学术水平下降则是必然的。

    Owing to the serious drawbacks existing in the current academic title evaluation system , it will led to reduce professors ' academic level from long-term point of view .

  20. 本文将柠檬市场和我国国有行政性行业垄断市场的质量供给做一比较,并寻求解决质量供给不足的对策。

    The thesis compares the quality supply with " Lemon " market and state-owned administrative monopolistic market in China , and explores countermeasures to resolve shortage of quality supply .

  21. 证券市场是典型的信息非对称市场,证券市场的信息非对称,必然导致虚假信息充斥于市,使证券市场变成柠檬市场。

    Stock market is a market with typically asymmetric information , which inevitably results in the phenomenon that false , and pseudo information becomes rampant in the so-called lemon market .

  22. 由于中小企业集群中社会关系网络的存在和商品买卖双方的信息不对称,这便有可能在集群内产生柠檬市场。

    Because of the existence of mid-small enterprises cluster 's social relationships network , and goods both buying and selling parties ' information asymmetry ," lemons market " may appear in cluster .

  23. 但是,在这一过程中可能存在着两个陷阱&柠檬市场和家族式管理,其对策分别是有效制造和传播正的市场信息与推行科学管理。

    But there are still two traps of lemon market and familial management in the process , and its countermeasures are to make and propagate positive market information effectively and to facilitate scientific management .

  24. 文章还探讨了由于路径依赖的负强化机制而导致的产业集群发展的制度失灵,如产业集群发展中的柠檬市场、外部负效应等。

    The article also discusses industrial clusters " system failure " because of the negative mechanism of path dependence , such as the lemon-market , the external negative effects of the industrial cluster development .

  25. 因此,基金肯定会吸引那些无所顾忌且技能拙劣的人,正如这些人被吸引到二手车交易市场一样(这是柠檬市场最初的例子)。

    For this reason , the business is bound to attract the unscrupulous and unskilled , just as such people are attracted to dealing in used cars ( which was the original example of a market in lemons ) .

  26. 当前,中国农产品市场出现了劣品驱逐优品的现象,带有较为明显的柠檬市场特征,按质论价的市场自我调节机制难以发挥作用。

    Currently , the Chinese agro-food market appears a phenomenon that the inferior products banish good ones . It shows the obvious characteristic of " the lemon market ", and the market self-adjustment mechanism that setting prices according to quality hardly shows its effect .

  27. 运用信息经济学的柠檬市场理论和博弈论分析了中国旅游市场的特点,指出旅游市场的信息不对称性给旅游欺诈创造可乘之机,而大量存在的一次博弈机会则增强了博弈参与者的机会主义动机。

    Using the Theory of Lemon Market and Game Theory , the authors analyzes the tourism market in China and argues that the information asymmetry and one-time game playing , which derive from the characteristics of the market , are the main environmental causes of deceit .

  28. 当前我国绿色食品之所以出现有效需求不足,主要是对绿色食品缺乏正确的认识、绿色农业结构不合理、居民收入差距过大、柠檬市场问题以及不重视出口而引起。

    The main reasons of deficient effective demand of environment friendly health food are a lack of correct understanding of the food , unreasonable structure of environment friendly agriculture , wide gap in citizen income ," Lemon market " problem and inadequate attention to export promotion .

  29. 产业集群所在区域的企业都有充分的激励去建立和维护区域品牌,从而有效防止柠檬市场的出现,利用索洛模型,可以解释基于产业集群的区域品牌与区域经济增长之间的关系。

    In order to prevent the lemon market , the paper holds that the enterprises in the region of industrial clusters should have enough incentives to build and maintain regional brand . Using the Solow 's model , we can explain the relation between industrial clusters and regional economic growth .

  30. 如果供应不足,露露柠檬还能满足市场的需求吗?

    Can lululemon meet demand with a legitimate supply shortage ?