
nínɡ ménɡ cǎo
  • lemon grass
  1. 这是柠檬草,它们是泰国菜的关键食材。

    Lemon grass ! They are key ingredient for my Thai food .

  2. 柠檬草对于皮肤很有帮助,可行气养血,帮助消化。

    Lemon Grass is good for skin , improve blood circulation and digestive system .

  3. 采用上海地区种植的柠檬草(Cymbopogoncitratus),提取其精油对4种致病菌进行了定性的和定量的抗菌性研究,这4种致病菌是消毒上所针对的主要菌种。

    The antimicrobial activity of essential oil of lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) grown in Shanghai against utilized microbe was measured .

  4. 云南柠檬草油化学成份研究

    Study on chemical constituents of lemongrass oil from Yunnan

  5. 迷迭香和柠檬草的挥发性成分及其抗抑郁、抑菌作用的研究

    Research on the Volatile Compounds , Antidepressant and Bacteriostatic Actions of Rosemary and Lemongrass

  6. 这就是如何使用柠檬草精油来自己制作驱虫剂。

    And that 's how you use Lemongrass essential oil as a homemade insect repellent ..

  7. 它是搭配性极强的白酒,有淡雅清爽的葡萄柚和柠檬草香。

    It 's a2versatile white wine that displays the light and crisp flavors of grapefruit and lemongrass .

  8. 迷迭香和柠檬草的精油以及活体香气的抗抑郁作用的研究

    Antidepressant Effect of the Essential Oil and the Volatile Organic Compounds in Air from Rosemary and Lemongrass

  9. 大厅:柠檬草的味道真好闻,尤其是在曼谷疯狂了一整天后。

    Lobby : that lemongrass scent is so welcoming after being in the craziness of Bangkok all day .

  10. 在仰光,肉汤中要放入柠檬草、生姜和大蒜调味。

    In Yangon , formerly Rangoon , the broth is made aromatic with lemon grass , ginger and garlic .

  11. 柠檬草也有助于养颜美容,可以瘦腿,消除下半身水肿,减少多余水分。

    It is also a good ingredient for slimming lower part of body , clear out excessive water in our body .

  12. 利用固相微萃取SPME/GC-MS技术分析了柠檬草的挥发气体成分。

    The aroma constituents of Cymbopogon citratus were determined by solid phase microextraction ( SPME / GC-MS ) for the first time .

  13. 大多数的菜肴都是用新鲜的材料烹调而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、柠檬草或芫荽等。

    Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice , lemon grass , or coriander .

  14. 除了种植诸如柠檬草和马槟榔之类的本地食物以外,他还种了白菜、西红柿和玉米。

    Along with native foods like 26 ) lemon grass and 27 ) capers , he raises 28 ) bok choy , tomatoes and corn .

  15. 向装满蒸馏水的喷瓶中加入15滴柠檬草精油,然后加入5滴香茅精油,盖好盖子,摇匀。

    then we 're going to add 5 drops of Citronella , going to place the top on the bottle and give it a good shake .

  16. 我还喜欢用海鲈鱼加东方香料、姜、酱油、辣椒、柠檬草和一些菠菜,一起包在箔纸里烹制。

    I also like sea bass , wrapped up in foil with oriental spices , ginger , soy sauce , chilli , lemon grass and some spinach .

  17. 鱼汤的香味层次无穷,丰富微妙,混合着柠檬草、青葱与西红柿的酸甜,还有些别的味道(或许是本土的秘密草药?)

    There 's a layered perfume to the fish broth , a delicate blend of lemon grass , shallots , tomato acidity and something more ( perhaps a secret local herb ?)

  18. 正宗的沙爹猪肉要用由柠檬草、葱、大蒜、鱼露调制而成的甜酸汁进行腌制。

    Authentic pork satay is marinated in a sweet and spicy paste of lemongrass , shallots , garlic , red chilies , galangal ( a ginger-like spice ) and fish sauce .

  19. 根据希斯罗机场的官网,中国神秘的寺庙焚香和淡淡的桂花香营造了一种东方的感觉,而泰国以开胃的柠檬草、姜和椰子的混合香气满足了人们的味蕾。

    According to the Heathrow Airport website : ' China 's mystical temple incense and subtle Osmanthus Fragrans flower create an orient explosion ' , and ' Thailand tantalises the taste buds with an appetising mix of lemongrass , ginger and coconut ' .

  20. 柠檬马鞭草快速繁殖技术研究

    Tissue Culture Technique for Rapid Propagation of Lippia triphylla

  21. 柠檬马鞭草在不同生长期精油含有率及组分变化的研究

    Study on the Content and Composition of Essential Oil in Different Period of Growth in Lippia Citriodora

  22. 本实验是为摸索柠檬马鞭草在上海地区的生长规律及不同生长时期精油含有率和成分的变化,以找到最佳收获时间和收获器官而设计此方案。

    The purpose of the study was to research the growth and change in the content and constituents of essential oil of lemon verbena in different period in Shanghai and to discover the best harvest time and organ . The height of plant was measured every 15 days .