
  • 网络lemon sauce;lemon curd
  1. 一道稳妥选择是配有辣椒酱和柠檬酱的清蒸笋壳鱼。

    A sure bet is the steamed sand goby with chilli and lemon sauce .

  2. 我现在有些饿了,我想点一些英国松糕,烤面包加柠檬酱,再来一杯加糖加奶的咖啡。

    I 'm now a bit hungry . I 'd like to have an English muffin , toasted , with marmalade , and a cup of white coffee .

  3. 酸柠檬奶油酱,烟熏三文鱼,新鲜莳萝。

    Lemon-mascarpone cream , smoked salmon , fresh dill .

  4. 如果说用凉拌嫩菠菜及起泡柠檬香草酱搭配的烤虾挞是菜单中不断推陈出新的现代菜,那么空心甜饼、覆有蛋白的蛋糕、焦糖蛋奶以及片状苹果馅饼就是回味无穷的经典怀旧甜点。

    If some more modern dishes make it on to the menu , such as grilled prawn tart with baby spinach salad and frothy lemongrass sauce , the desserts are the stuff of nostalgic fantasies : profiteroles , floating island , cr è me caramel , flaky apple tart .

  5. 柠檬醛对花生酱的防腐效果

    The preservative effect of the citral on peanut butter

  6. 我也吃了泰国草药乌贼&和意大利炸鱿鱼有点像,但却以甜辣柠檬汁为蘸酱。

    I tried Thai herb calamari – like Italian fried squid but served with a sweet spicy lemon sauce .

  7. 想要戒掉咬甲癖的人们可能会发现,如果在手指上涂上柠檬汁或者辣椒酱,就不太会咬指甲了。

    Nail biters looking to quit their addiction may find they are less inclined to stick their fingers in their mouths if they put lemon juice or hot sauce on their digits .