
  • 网络Complete stage;perfect state
  1. 研究发现在完全阶段小公司股票组合收益与大公司股票组合收益间并不存明显的领先滞后关系。

    And there is not significant lead-lag relationship between large firm portfolio and small firm portfolio returns in complete period .

  2. 从市场环境的角度出发,我国的邮政特快专递从现在的垄断竞争阶段发展到完全竞争阶段是大势所趋。

    In the view of market environment , it has been a trend of EMS of our country to develop from current stage of monopoly to that of complete competition .

  3. 结果表明气囊展开过程经历了两个明显的阶段,即0~20ms的初始展开阶段和20~100ms完全展开工作阶段。

    The results show that there are two clear periods during the airbag deployment ; they are initial deployment that goes from 0 ~ 20 ms and inflated working process that goes from 20 ~ 100 ms.

  4. 企业的现金流量有其内在的本质属性,其主要表现为共存性、非完全相关性、阶段性、非对称性和非同步性等。

    The cash flow of the enterprises has their internal natures .

  5. 恒律是自律进入完全自觉的阶段。

    And its invariance is the stage in which self-discipline becomes wholly conscious .

  6. 在趋势未完全形成的阶段,阻力特征是最重要的。

    In the immature stage of the trend development the resistance features are most important .

  7. 不完全覆盖多阶段任务系统的静态和动态故障树综合研究

    Synthetic Research on Imperfect Coverage , Phased-Mission Systems , and Static and Dynamic Fault Trees

  8. 从不转移到否定或停车,直到车来一个完全停止的阶段。

    Never shift to the Reverse or Parking until the car comes to a complete stop .

  9. 但胰岛移植尚未完全摆脱实验阶段,其临床开展无论是在数量上还是在质量上与胰腺移植相比均有很大差距。

    However , compared with pancreatic transplantation , there is a large difference in quantitatively and qualitatively .

  10. 该设施的建设将分为两个完全一样的阶段,每期包括18.2百万瓦特临界负载。

    The facility will be built in two identical phases , each comprising 18.2 megawatts of critical load .

  11. 传统的地图可视化系统设计思想已经不能完全适应现阶段地图可视化系统发展的需要,如何满足不同用户的个性化需求,是地图可视化系统进一步发展所面临的重要问题。

    Traditional thinking of designing cartographic visualization system can not meet all requirements of the current development of cartographic visualization system .

  12. 2004年12月11日是我国政府兑现加入世贸组织开放医药分销市场的日子,从此以后,我国医药流通市场将逐步走向一个完全竞争的阶段。

    On Dec.11 , 2004 , our government realized her promise to enter WTO , and open pharmaceutical distribution market to the outside .

  13. 委内瑞拉反对党领袖称,一次反对乌戈·查韦斯总统的总罢工现在已经上升到一个完全抵抗的阶段。

    Opposition leaders in Venezuela said a general strike against the government of President , Hugo Chavez , has now entered a phase of total resistance .

  14. 通过古诺模型和合作意愿度参数建立中欧企业技术合作完全信息两阶段动态博弈模型。

    Then it uses the Cournot model and the cooperation degree parameter to form a complete information double-stage dynamic game model between a Chinese company and an EU company .

  15. 国家统一考试(全国统考)是由俄罗斯联邦教育部为公共教育机构11或12年级的学生组织的完全中等教育阶段的毕业考试和升入高等学校的入学考试。

    Examination of national unity ( national examination ) by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education is graduation examination and entrance examination of eleventh-grade or twelfth-grade students in public educational institutions .

  16. 根据试验现象,可将圆形射流对淤沙的冲刷过程分为三个阶段,即泥沙初始流化阶段、泥沙完全流化阶段和形成稳定、清晰的冲刷坑阶段。

    The processes of jet scouring deposited sediment can be divided into three stages according to the experiment , that are stages of initial fluidization , full fluidization and stable and clear scouring pit .

  17. 进行了变结构滑模控制的消颤振方法和完全消除可达阶段的控制器设计和算法研究,并将理论研究的成果应用于机器人两轮车的控制设计,取得了很好的效果。

    The design of the controller and study of control law that eliminating chattering and reaching phase of the variable structure sliding mode control is achieved and is applied to the design of the bicycle system successfully .

  18. 因此,他们完全可以分阶段做这项工作;他们可以首先允许养老基金投资人民币债券。黄王慈明补充称,让机构投资者进入该市场还有助于中国在人民币交易中引进国际最佳做法。

    So they can even do this in stages ; they can allow pension money to invest in renminbi bonds first . Ms Wong adds that bringing institutional players to the market would also help China introduce international best practices to their currency trade .

  19. 结论:1.研究显示该部队习服状况总体较好,习服率在初步习服阶段、基本习服阶段和完全习服阶段逐渐提高,说明随着进入高原时间推移,部队总体习服情况逐渐好转。

    Conclusions : 1.The results have shown good situation of the overall acclimatization of the highland forces . The acclimatization rate at the primary stage , the basic stage and the complete stage is gradually increased , indicating that the acclimatization is improved with the longer stay in the plateau .

  20. 不完全覆盖的多阶段系统可靠性集成分析

    Integrated Analysis of Phased-Mission System Reliability with Imperfect Coverage

  21. 不完全维护;分阶段顺序预防维护;劣化系统;改善因子;有效工龄;

    Imperfect maintenance Phasic sequential preventive maintenance Deteriorating system Improvement factor Effective age ;

  22. 完全混和式和阶段曝气组合工艺中微生物常见的冲击及对策

    Microbial Common Strike and Its Countermeasure In Combination Process of Complete Mixing Type and Stage Aeration

  23. 塑性变形区域能够快速增长,并且使球体很快进入完全塑性变形阶段;

    The plastic deformation region may get a quickly increasing and so the sphere went into the full plastic deformation .

  24. 就中国而言,劳动权形态经历了计划经济时期和目前社会转型时期(不完全的市场经济阶段)两个阶段。

    In China , the pattern of right to work went through two stages : planned economy and primary market economy .

  25. 空穴在弹-塑性变形阶段迅速增长,但进入完全塑性变形阶段后增长较慢。

    The cavity may get a rapid increasing for the elastic-plastic deformation but a slower increasing for the full plastic deformation .

  26. 代码的训练,应该完全绕过查询表阶段,并且开始以反射来建立熟练程度。

    Code training , then , should completely bypass the lookup-table phase and begin by building copying proficiency as a reflex .

  27. 从传统的天然气市场模式走向完全市场经济的阶段分析来看,目前上海正处于市场的成长阶段。

    Moving towards complete market economy from traditional natural gas market pattern , Shanghai is in its growth stage of development at present .

  28. 活性污泥法完全混和式和阶段曝气组合工艺,具有抗冲击能力强,有机物去除率高等特点。

    The active sludge method complete mixing type and stage aeration combination process possesses stronger anti-strike performance , higher removing ratio of organic compound etc.

  29. 对诗歌格律声韵的研究已从理论阶段完全转为实践阶段。

    The research into the phonology of the " Ge Lti " of poems met the turn to the practical stage from the theoretical stage .

  30. 但是,西方的理论和实践并不完全适用于现阶段我国企业的实际情况,尤其是不能为我们提供明确的策略性的指导。

    Unfortunately , not all west theories and experiences are suitable for today 's Chines enterprises , either can they provide specific advice about strategies .