
  • 网络complete phagocytosis;completely phagocytosis
  1. 它在朝自己唱歌啊,于是她伸开双臂,拥抱火焰,让它将自己完全吞噬,涤净她,锻炼她。

    She could hear it singing to her , She opened her arms to the fire , embraced it , let it swallow her whole , let it cleanse her and temper her and scour her clean .

  2. 海浪从我头顶卷过时我感到完全被水流吞噬了。

    The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents .

  3. 如果你认识的某些人茫然不知所措,失去控制,你可以确信他们已经完全被痛苦所吞噬,并且他们在拼命地挣扎逃脱。

    If you know someone who is spinning out of control , you can bet they are engulfed in pain that they are desperately attempting to escape .