
  1. 小胶质细胞属于脑固有免疫细胞,一旦被激活,通过释放致炎因子和活性氧自由基等分子介导神经炎症。

    Microglia is a kind of innate immune cell in the brain . Once activated , microglia mediates nerve inflammation through releasing cytokines , pro-inflammatory molecules and reactive oxygen radicals .

  2. 当中枢神经系统遭受到伤害刺激时,作为存在于中枢神经系统的固有免疫细胞,小胶质细胞被迅速激活并发挥双重作用。

    When the central nervous system suffered damage stimulus , as the innate immune cells present in the central nervous system , microglia are rapidly activated and play a dual role .

  3. 肝脏免疫系统的组成不同于其他组织,它包含了众多的固有天然免疫细胞,如巨噬细胞、NK细胞和NKT细胞。

    The immune constitution of liver is quite distinct from other tissue or organs , containing a large proportion of resident innate immune cells such as macrophages , NK cells and NKT cells .

  4. 在肾小球疾病中,许多因素均可刺激肾组织固有细胞和免疫细胞或炎症细胞NF-κB的活化,进而调节诸多炎症介质的分泌,因此在调节肾小球疾病的发生发展中具有重要作用。

    In glomerular diseases , many factors can accelerate the activation of NF - κ B in intrinsic cells or inflammatory cells in kidney which can secrete inflammatory medium , so NF - κ B may play an important role in inducing or deteriorating glomerular diseases .

  5. NKT细胞兼备固有性和适应性免疫细胞特性,被脂类或糖脂抗原激活后能迅速产生大量细胞因子,并上调表达细胞毒分子。

    NKT cells bridge the innate and adaptive immune systems .