- solid-phase immunoassay

Methods : A total of 297 patients with infectious diseases were divided into bacterial infection group and viral infection group . Serum PCT were measured by semi-quantitative solid-phase immunoassay , and serum CRP were tested by single immunodiffusion test .
Methods : Plasma PCT levels of 108 neonates with sepsis ( 40 with septic shock ) were measured by semi-quantitative solid phase immunoassay . At the same time , the plasma CRP and IL-6 levels were observed .
As the development of modern medicine , solidoid immunoassay ( SI ) is widely used as clinical technique to detect a substance in the humoral samples .
Abstract Serum insulin level was determined by a solid phase RIA with second antibody bound to maleic anhydride-styrene copolymer coated on polystyrene tubes .
The results show that the detective sensitivity of immunogold silver staining ( IGSS ) is higher than that of solid phase enzyme immunoassay ( EIA ) .
Studies on Synthesis and Application of Porous Carrier for Solid Phase Radioimmunoassay
Determination of Immunoglobulin G in Human Serum by Sequential Injection Renewable Surface Fluorescence Immunoassay System with a Chip-based Flow-through Cell
ELISA for the immunosuppressive factor detection in human semen
A solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for serum myoglobin and its application for Keshan disease
Measuring cTnI with solid each other layer unpack immunity analysis assay .
Objective The enzyme immunoassay in which the solid state carrier is served as the nitrocellulose membrane was used to detect α - fetoprotein ( AFP ) .
Improvement on Fixation Method of Operative Posture in Patients Underwent Renal and Upper Segment of Ureter Operation Solid Phase RIA for Plasma ACTH with Ab_2-Immobilized Tubes