
jú bù miǎn yì
  • local immunity
  1. 在腹腔镜应用于恶性肿瘤患者时,应注意CO2对机体腹腔内局部免疫的影响。

    Attention must be paid to the effects on peritoneal local immunity when CO_ ( 2 ) pneumoperitoneum is used on malignant tumors in laparoscopic surgery .

  2. 目的研究NOD/SCID孕鼠胚胎吸收率(Resorptionrate,RR)与母-胎界面局部免疫状况的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the relationship between the embryo resorption rate ( RR ) and the status of local immunity at the feto-maternal interface in pregnant NOD / SCID mice .

  3. B组31例口服药物加局部免疫调节治疗;

    Group B , with oral drugs plus local injection of dexamethasone ;

  4. 局部免疫调节剂咪喹莫特对尖锐湿疣患者皮损处HPV病毒DNA含量的影响

    Diversification of content of HPV-DNA virus in patient of condyloma acuminatum who treated with Imiquimod cream

  5. DF尚不能提高小肠局部免疫功能。

    The dietary fiber cannot improve local immune function of small intestine .

  6. 感染网状内皮组织增殖病病毒SPF雏鸡局部免疫组织的免疫学变化

    Immunological Changes of Local lmmune Tissues in SPF Chickens Infected with Reticuloendotheliosis Virus

  7. 因此对HPV感染的治疗从提高HPV抗原提呈效率,加强局部免疫应答着手,达到对病毒感染细胞的有效清除,将最大限度地降低复发率和肿瘤形成。

    To improve antigen-presenting condition in HPV-related lesions and enhance immune response will effectively eradicate virus-infected cells .

  8. 鸡贫血病雏鸡ND免疫后局部免疫组织抗体生成细胞变化

    Changes of the number of antibody-producing cells in the local immune tissues post ND vaccination of Chicks infected with chicken anemia virus

  9. 油乳剂苗能产生IgA,证明油乳剂苗能诱导产生局部免疫。

    It was proved that the immunity can be induced by the oil emulsion vaccine because IgA produced by it .

  10. 喉癌的发生机理可能是由于HPV感染引起LC减少,局部免疫功能降低和其它改变;

    The mechanism may be that HPV infection result in LC reducing and deficit of local immune function and other wise .

  11. 目的了解局部免疫调节剂与全身免疫调节剂在治疗尖锐湿疣(CA)患者时对皮损处HPV病毒DNA含量的影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the diversification of the content of HPV-DNA virus in the patient of Condyloma Acuminatum ( CA ) who treated with Imiquimod Cream .

  12. 目的:研究褪黑素(MT)对免疫性结肠炎大鼠结肠局部免疫功能的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of melatonin ( MT ) on the immunological function in colon of rats immunological colitis .

  13. TGF-β1和TIL在喉癌局部免疫反应中作用的研究

    The function and purport of TGF - β _1 In Local Immunogenesis of Laryngeal Cancer

  14. 目的:研究胃肠癌患者围手术期运用西咪替丁(CIM)对肿瘤局部免疫反应的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of perioperative CIM application on the local immune response in gastrointestinal cancer patients .

  15. 结论①任何造成全身免疫或局部免疫功能下降的因素,都可诱发男性GH的复发,避免诱因和应有免疫增强剂后,GH复发率明显降低。

    Conclusion Lowered immune function is related to the recurrence of GH , immunomodulating agents can raise the cure rate of GH .

  16. TCE引起的皮肤局部免疫反应是如何被放大,并导致严重损害机制目前不清。

    How is the local immune response caused by TCE enlarged and the mechanism is unclear currently .

  17. 实验结果显示,BCG灌注的抗肿瘤活性可能是细胞介导的局部免疫与宿主免疫系统功能增强的共同结果。

    The results indicated that the mechanisms of BCG antitumor activity were related to both the local cell mediated immune effect and the systemic immunoenhancement effect .

  18. 结论肠道局部免疫功能的变化及由于内毒素等物质刺激而导致的肝、肺单核吞噬细胞过度活化促进了SAP的进一步发展。

    Conclusions The immunocytes dysfunction in the gut and the over-activation of macrophages in the liver and lungs are implicated in the development of SIRS in the setting of SAP .

  19. 目的了解SD大鼠同种异体结膜移植术后结膜植片的存活和局部免疫反应变化,为人类异体结膜移植提供参考资料。

    Objective To identify the topical immunological changes and clinical survival of conjunctival grafts in SD rats after conjunctival allograft transplantation , and to obtain useful information for human allogeneic conjunctival transplantation .

  20. 目的:分析春季急性上呼吸道感染中医证型与呼吸道局部免疫分子SIgA之间的相关性。

    Objective : To analyze the correlation between focal SIgA and TCM syndrome of acute upper respiratory tract infection in the spring .

  21. 目的研究在外源性细胞因子的作用下,蜕膜细胞对B细胞IgG分泌的影响,以探讨蜕膜局部免疫微环境的免疫学特点。

    Objective To study the influence on early pregnancy decidual cells stimulated by exogenous cytokines on the secretion of IgG by B lymphocytes in vitro , and to investigate the features of the local immunological micro-environment of decidua .

  22. 宿主局部免疫抑制和/或对HPV蛋白的异常识别导致的病毒免疫逃逸和持续感染是HPV感染相关疾病难治的主要原因。

    Local immune suppression and / or abnormality in HPV protein recognition , which lead to HPV immune evasion and persistent infection are the main reasons for therapeutic resistance to HPV-associated diseases .

  23. 目的评价局部免疫调节治疗对慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎(CLT)患者的治疗效果和安全性。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of local immune regulation therapy ( LIRT ) on the patients with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis ( CLT ) .

  24. 结论:HIFU治疗可以减少肿瘤局部免疫抑制因子的表达,推测其有利于肿瘤宿主免疫平衡的恢复。

    Conclusions : HIFU treatment could reduce the expression of local immunosuppressive factors . It would be helpful to the recovery of the balance between host antitumor immunity and tumor escape .

  25. 分泌型IgA是人体合成分泌最多的免疫球蛋白,主要存在于泪液、唾液、初乳、胃肠液等外分泌液中,是粘膜局部免疫的最重要因素。

    Secretary IgA is the most immunoglobulin of human synthesis and secretion , mainly in tears , saliva , colostrum , gastrointestinal fluid secretion in substandard , is the most important factor in local mucosal immunity .

  26. 结论TIL在细胞因子特别是IL2协同下瘤灶内注射的局部免疫疗法,具有较强的抗膀胱癌效应,并显著提高了机体全身抗瘤免疫功能。

    Conclusion Local immunotherapy using TIL in combination with different cytokines especially IL-2 can produce more significant anti-bladder carcinoma effects and enhance systemic antitumor immune responses .

  27. 胎龄小、体重低、胃肠道动力功能差及局部免疫应答能力低下、感染仍是NEC发病重要的影响因素。

    Risk factors including the prematurity , low birth weight , immature intestinal immune function and poor motility , and bacterial infection bad been associated with the development of NEC .

  28. 其致病原因尚不完全明确,多种炎性细胞及细胞因子介导的异常细胞免疫、体液免疫而致的全身及关节局部免疫功能紊乱,在RA的致病过程中起着重要的作用。

    Many research have indicated that a lot of inflammatory cells and cytokines induced the abnormal cellular immunity and humoral immunity which conduced the systemic immunity and local joints dysfunction , all these are very important in the pathologic development of RA .

  29. 结论:LNIT确能通过增强局部免疫功能,使PAR的治疗获得较好的效果。

    Conclusion : LNIT can improve the local immune function and modify the local nasal allergic inflammatory response . It is an effective , safe and convenient treatment .

  30. 目的探讨IL10在混合皮肤移植中角朊细胞诱导的局部免疫耐受中的作用。

    Objective : To explore the effects of IL-10 in local immuno-suppression induced by auto-keratinocytes ( auto-Kc ) in the intermingled skin grafting .