
  • 网络Ammonium Citrate
  1. 用EDTA和柠檬酸铵掩蔽干扰离子以增强选择性。

    EDTA and ammonium citrate are used to increase the selectivity .

  2. 以柠檬酸铵为TiO2分散剂控制Si3N4-TiN复相陶瓷的显微结构

    Control of the microstructure of si_3n_4-tin composites using ammonium citrate to disperse tio_2 powders

  3. 结果表明,在以柠檬酸铵为络合剂的溶液中,NiWB合金沉积层较NiW合金有较低的电化学活性。

    The results showed that Ni_W_B alloy electrodeposit obtained from the solution containing ammonium citrate as a complexing agent was presented in the lower electrochemical activity compared with Ni_W alloy .

  4. 研究了在pH值8.0~9.0的氨水-柠檬酸铵体系中,铅试剂与Pb2+反应的适宜条件与影响因素,建立了光纤压力自控微波消解测定微量Pb2+的方法。

    Feasible condition and influencing factors of the reaction on dithizone and Pb2 + in pH value 8.0 ~ 9.0 citrate ammonium system were studied . The method of detecting Pb2 + in meat and bone meal by optic fibre'pressure self-controlling microwave decomposing technique was found .

  5. 分别用EDTA溶液和中性柠檬酸铵溶液萃取并测定硝酸磷肥中枸溶性磷含量,提出了EDTA萃取剂替代中性柠檬酸铵萃取剂的可行性。

    We extract citrate soluble phosphate from nitrophosphate fertilizer by EDTA solution and neutral ammonium citrate respectively then assay it . This method expound a feasibility that neutral ammonium citrate as a extractant can be superseded by EDTA solution in the process .

  6. 在以柠檬酸铵为络合剂的镀液中,Ni-W-B合金电沉积层的组成和沉积电流效率与沉积电流密度及镀液的组成等有关。

    The composition and current efficiency of Ni-W-B electrodeposit in the bath containing ammonium citrate as complexing agent were related to the deposition current density and bath composition .

  7. 过氧化氢-柠檬酸铵退铜工艺的研究

    Stripping Cu by hydrogen PEROXIDE-AMMONIUM citrate in the electroplating process

  8. 粘质沙雷氏菌利用蔗糖和柠檬酸铵生产2,3-丁二醇的研究

    Study on 2,3-Butanediol Production by Serratia Marcescens Using Sucrose and Ammonium Citrate

  9. 柠檬酸铵对丙三醇无氰镀铜工艺的影响

    Effect of ( NH_4 ) _3C_6H_5O_7 on Non-cyanide Copper Plating Process Based on Glycerol

  10. 柠檬酸铵对紫杉醇生物合成途径的诱导作用研究

    Elicitation of taxol biosynthetic pathway by ammonium citrate

  11. 枸橼酸钾治疗尿酸结石11例柠檬酸铵对紫杉醇生物合成途径的诱导作用研究

    Treatment of Uric Acid Nephrolithiasis with Potassium Citrate Elicitation of taxol biosynthetic pathway by ammonium citrate

  12. 目的确定柠檬酸铵在紫杉醇生物代谢途径的作用位点。

    Object To study the eliciting effect of ammonium citrate ( AC ) onthe yield of taxol .

  13. 介绍了一种焦磷酸盐镀铜溶液中铜、总焦磷酸根、磷酸根、柠檬酸铵含量的分析方法和计算方法。

    An analytical procedure and calculation method on the content of copper , total pyrophosphate , phosphate and ammonium citrate in pyrophosphate copper plating bath were given .

  14. 镀锌液以硫酸锌为主盐,焦磷酸钾为配合剂,柠檬酸铵作辅助配合剂兼导电盐,电流密度2~3A。

    In the electroplating zinc solution , zinc sulfate is used as the main salt , potassium pyrophosphate as the complexing agent , and ammonium citrate as auxiliary complexing agent and conducting salt .

  15. 在比较不同的化学清洗效果之后,得出以下实验结果:柠檬酸铵-氨水系列对空白样的腐蚀很小,几乎为零,但是该溶液对腐蚀样品的腐蚀产物清洗效果不好;

    This paper got the following experimental results after many different chemical washing liquids : the corrosion of blank samples in the series of ammonium citrate-ammonia water are very small , nearly zero , but corrosion products can not be washed effectively in these solutions ;

  16. 对经特殊工艺试制的硝酸磷肥中总钙进行测定。用中性柠檬酸铵提取、草酸沉淀、高锰酸钾滴定,提取率达88.3%~91.7%,测定值的标准偏差为0.11,回收率为98.4%~101.9%。

    Determination of potent calcium from nitric acid phosphate fertilizer was studied by extracted with neutral ammonium citrate , precipitated with oxalic acid and titrated with potassium permanganate , with extraction rate of 88.3 % ~ 91.7 % , standard deviation of 0.11 and recovery rate of 101.9 % .

  17. 实验结果表明:当柠檬酸三铵的加入量为醋酸铅的2.5%(摩尔分数)时,能得到粒度较为均匀,组成与计算配方一致的PZT纳米粉体。

    Results show that PZT nano-powders are obtained by adding 2.5 % ( mole fraction ) TAC of lead acetate into sol . The PZT powders have homogeneous particle size and a composition to be consistent with the calculational values .

  18. 中间聚合物的介孔结构没有因柠檬酸铁铵的加入而消失。

    The mesoporous structure of the polymer conserved after the addition of ammonium ferric citrate .

  19. 柠檬酸氢铵;

    Ammonium citrate dibasic solution ;

  20. 柠檬酸铁铵能有效增强MVAV6201对三价铁营养的吸收,促进菌体细胞的生长。

    Ammonium ferric citrate was found to greatly improve the iron uptake and growth of the plasmid cured cells .

  21. 乙二胺四乙酸铁钠和元素羰基铁粉在贮藏过程中变化不大,而硫酸亚铁和柠檬酸铁铵在贮藏过程中绝大部分变成了不溶性铁。

    The change of sodium ferric EDTA and carbonyl iron was not great , but most of ferric sulfate and ferric ammonium citrate became insoluble during storage .

  22. 为制备凝胶注模成型所需的高固相低粘度的锆钛酸铅陶瓷浆料,分别用分散剂聚甲基丙烯酸铵和柠檬酸三铵进行试验。

    Ammonium salt of poly ( methacrylic acid )( PMAA-NH4 ) and tribasic ammonium citrate ( TAC ) were selected as a dispersant respectively to prepare aqueous lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) suspensions with high solids loading and low viscosity .

  23. 铀丝牛仔织物采用柠檬酸三铵3%、柠檬酸5%、磷酸二氢钠4%处理,175~180℃焙烘,能获得较满意的抗皱整理效果,并符合环保卫生要求。

    Noil silk denim treated by finishing bath consisting of 3 % triammonium citrate , 5 % citric acid and 4 % sodium dihydrogen phosphate , and curing at 175 ~ 180 ℃ achieves desirable crease_resist effects , and meets the requirements of environmental protection and hygiene .

  24. 因此,采用柠檬酸和氯化铵为混合配位体,硼酸为稳定剂从水溶液中电沉积出Ni-La-P合金镀层。

    Nickel-lanthanum-phosphorus alloy deposits were obtained from aqueous solutions by using citric acid and ammonia chloride as mixed ligand and boric acid as stabilizer .

  25. 针对水溶液电沉积稀土合金的困难,本文还采用电化学方法研究镀液组成中的混合配体柠檬酸和氯化铵对稀土元素和镍还原电位的影响。

    Aiming at the difficulties of electrodepositing rare earth alloys from aqueous solution , the effect of the complex formation ( formed with Cit and NH4CI ) on the reductive potential of RE and nickle was studied by the way of electrochemistry .

  26. 研究在柠檬酸钾和草酸铵镀液体系中镀钯工艺。

    Process of Pd plating from system of potassium citrate and ammonium oxalate is investigated .

  27. 以晶状碳酸稀土、柠檬酸或柠檬酸铵为原料,采用络合沉淀法制备了氧化稀土超细粉体。

    Using RE 2 ( CO 3 ) 3 and Citric acid or Ammonium citrate as raw materials , super-fine powders were prepared by complexed precipitation method .