
  • 网络Domestic unified market;integrated market
  1. 建立国内统一市场存在的问题与政策建议

    The Problems and Suggestions of Building Domestic Unified Market

  2. 区域化与国内统一市场的背离和协调&以泛珠为例

    Departure and Coordination of Regionalization and Unity Competive Free Market & Pan-Pearl River Delta as an Example

  3. 德国国内统一市场的形成也必须具备这些基本条件和主要标志。

    Germany is also the formation of a unified market must have these basic conditions and the main logo .

  4. 打破地方行政垄断正成为推动国内统一市场建设必须首先解决的问题。

    To break out regional administrative monopoly is becoming the principal question we have to solve in order to impulse domestic integrated magnitude market .

  5. 如果建立完善的国内统一市场,同时结合利用国际市场,就可以在保证粮食安全水平不变的条件下大大减少储备的规模。

    Establishment of unified national grain market and partial utilization of the world market will greatly reduce the costs while maintaining the same level of food security .

  6. 打破行政垄断的壁垒,加快国内统一市场的形成,成为现阶段必须要解决的现实问题。

    To break the barriers of administrative monopoly , and to speed up the formation of national unified market , must be a real problem to be solved at this stage .

  7. 因此,无论是德意志关税同盟的形成还是铁路网的形成,它们都只是德国国内统一市场形成中的阶段性标志。

    Therefore , whether it is the formation of a customs union of Germany or the formation of the railway network , they are only in Germany to form a unified market of the initial signs .

  8. 国内统一民族市场的建立是城市发展引起的最重要的变化之一,它也刺激了英国政治上的变化。

    One of the most important changes brought about by the development of cities was a unified national market , which led to political changes in England .

  9. 分割力量的存在,将会增加区际贸易的交易成本,阻碍地区间的分工协作、贸易发展和国内统一大市场的形成,是影响国内市场整合进程的关键因素之一。

    Market segmentation forces impedes the development of inter-regional trades , raises the transaction costs , hampers the inter-regional cooperation and division of labor , and hinders the formation of a unified domestic market .

  10. 这种基于地区层面存在的地方行政垄断行为造成了市场的人为分割,影响了各种产品、要素在全国范围内的自由流动,严重阻碍了国内统一大市场的建立。

    This kind of regional administrative monopoly arise unnatural market fragments , effects the free movement of production and factors within one country and thus severely handicaps the foundation of domestic integrated magnitude market .

  11. 基于地理上的边界效应,文章提出我国各省份应侧重考虑打破省际贸易壁垒,建立国内统一大市场。

    In view of the boundary effect , this paper suggests that emphasis should be given on how to break the trade barriers between provinces in China , so as to establish an integrated domestic market .

  12. 本文系统回顾了国内外对统一市场和转型期中国国内市场分割问题的研究进展。

    This article offers a systematic retrospect of research findings at home and abroad concerning unified market and division of the Chinese market in the transitional period .

  13. 鉴于此,论文拟在碳市场经济理论分析的基础上进行合理的制度安排,力图构建具备理论意义和现实意义的国内统一的碳市场。

    In view of this , on the basis of taking economic analysis for the carbon market , this paper intends to conduct reasonable institutional design , trying to build the domestic and unify carbon market which has theoretical significance and practical significance .

  14. 前者分析了厘金对国内商品流通、中国近代民族工业发展以及国内统一市场形成的阻碍;

    The former analyzes the holdup Likin caused to the development of national modern industry in China and the formation of domestic market .