
  • 网络foreign production
  1. 美国企业对国外生产依赖程度的上升,降低了成本以及对美国工人的需求,减轻了工资压力,并推高了利润率。

    The increased reliance of US companies on foreign production has reduced costs and also demand for American workers , damping down wage pressures and boosting profit margins .

  2. 但随着国外生产、销售机构的投入的增加,企业面临跨地域、跨文化的经营管理等问题。国际化经营成本高于企业国际化经营所得的收益。

    However , with the increase of the foreign production and sales agencies , enterprises face with cross-regional and cross-cultural management issues etc. The costs of international operations are more than the proceeds of international operations .

  3. 对比、分析了直缝焊管与螺旋焊管和无缝管作油井管的优势,简要介绍了ERW油井管的生产流程和主要设备,提出了积极引进国外生产技术,生产ERW油井管的可行性和必要性。

    The thesis analyses the advantage of the ERW tubing and casing comparing with spiral welding tube and seamless casing and tubing , introduces its main manufacturing process and facility , bring forward the feasibility and necessary of importing the oversea manufacturing technology to produce the ERW tubing and casing .

  4. 国外生产商、出口商、进口商及下游用户;

    The foreign manufacturer , exporter , importer and end user ;

  5. 本文介绍了国外生产的一些对环境无害的液压油及其性能等。

    This article introduces some hydraulic oils produced abroad which are harmless to environment .

  6. 到1990年,许多原来在美国制造的产品都已经在国外生产。

    By 1990 many products formerly manufactured in the US were being produced abroad .

  7. 目前为止,韩国一直使用国外生产的火箭来发射卫星。

    South Korea has used foreign built rockets to launch its satellites up until now .

  8. 过去要从美国出口的许多物品现在开始在国外生产。

    Many goods that the United States had previously exported began to be produced overseas .

  9. 国外生产测井技术发展趋势

    International Production Logging Technology Development Trend

  10. 如果人们丢掉了工作,这种被分流到国外生产的产品的消费群体也会慢慢消失。

    If people lose their jobs , the consumer base for the products being outsourced is eroded .

  11. 与我们做生意的国外生产商是信誉良好的,是一些诚实的人。

    The offshore producers with whom we do business are well established and are people of integrity .

  12. 本文详细阐述了聚合物复合材料的特点和应用,并对目前国外生产聚合物复合材料制品的工艺方法作了介绍,论述了这些方法的特点。

    This paper describes the characteristics and applications of the polymer composites , introduces the various moulding methods for these materials .

  13. 本文介绍了高速加工机床用主轴电机的结构和国外生产状况。

    This paper introduces the development condition of motor spindle for the high speed cutting ( HSC ) machine tools abroed .

  14. 国外生产应用情况以及在建筑业、建材业利用的可能性,重点利用的领域以及对利用的建议。

    The suggestions for possibilities of using flue gas desulfurization gypsum in construction and building material industries and other areas are presented .

  15. 而国外生产的基于计算机视觉检测技术的刀具预调测量仪已经具有较高的精度和自动化程度。

    However , the tool presetting and measuring instruments based on computer vision in foreign country have achieved high precision and automation .

  16. 以国内生产的蠕墨铸铁榨辊与国外生产的中磷锰铸铁榨辊为例进行对比分析。

    By comparing and analysing the cane mill roller of creep cast iron made in China and foreign cane mill roller of middle phosphorus .

  17. 奇瑞已经开始在巴西兴建一间工厂,长城也越来越多地在国外生产面向海外市场销售的汽车。

    Like Chery , which has started construction of a factory in Brazil , Great Wall is increasingly producing cars overseas for foreign markets .

  18. 在分析国外生产与科研工作的基础上,提出了今后发展金银选冶技术的关键和措施。

    Baseds on the analysis of research work and production abroad , the suggestions of the further development of gold and silver processing technology are proposed .

  19. 根据里约热内卢工业联合会的一项研究,这使制成品产品比国外生产贵30%。

    It can make goods manufactured 30 percent more expensive than those produced abroad , according to a study by the industry federation of Rio de Janeiro .

  20. 在特朗普竞选巡回演讲期间,苹果公司因在国外生产产品而遭其大力抨击,特朗普还威胁要对中国制造的产品征收45%的进口关税。

    Mr Trump repeatedly criticised Apple on the campaign trail for making its products abroad and has threatened to slap import tariffs of 45pc on Chinese goods .

  21. 与国外生产的轴承相比,国产轴承的振动幅值高,噪音大,严重影响机械设备的工作精度与使用寿命。

    The vibration and noise of domestic bearing is higher than those of abroad one , which seriously influences the working accuracy and fatigue life of a mechanical equipment .

  22. 上周末发布的新规定要求在国外生产的奶制品必须在中国质检总局注册,否则将禁止进入中国口岸。

    New rules issued over the weekend require dairy products produced overseas to be registered with the quality watchdog , or be barred from entry at China 's ports .

  23. 然而由于缺乏自主创新意识,中国目前的印染面料主要以中低档和中等偏下产品为主,与国外生产的高档面料有着很大的差距。

    However , Chinese soft goods are mostly ecumenical and inferior because of the lack of innovating consciousness . They possess great disparity compare to up-market fabrics from foreign countries .

  24. 所以,在国外生产的便携式数字压力校验仪价位较高的情况下,国内的产品与国外仍然无法竞争,绝大多数的市场被国外的产品占领。

    Therefore , even if the price of foreign products is much higher than that made domestically , the foreign products is still highly competitive and covers most part of market share .

  25. 目前电离层测高仪均由国外生产,无自主知识产权,且不能改造使其适应新的观测模式。

    At present , ionosondes are almost designed and made by foreign producers , without independent intellectual property , and it is difficult to transform them to adapt to the new observation mode .

  26. 本规则所称利害关系方是指保障措施申请人、国外生产商、出口商、进口商以及其他有利害关系的组织、个人。

    The interested party as used in these Rules shall refer to the applicant for safeguards , foreign manufacturer , exporter , importer as well as other organization or individual with interest relations .

  27. 目前,国外生产中空玻璃加工机械设备技术已经相当成熟,国内生产中空玻璃加工机械设备大部分也已实现国产全自动化或半自动化。

    Nowadays , the technology of insulating glass processing machinery equipment in foreign countries is relatively mature ; most of the domestic insulating glass processing machinery equipment also realizes automation or half automation .

  28. 介绍国内外对缓释/控释肥料的认识、界定标准和测试方法,以及国外生产企业、品种和应用情况。

    The understanding , distinguishing and measuring methods for slow / controlled release fertilizer at home and abroad are introduced . Also the manufacturers , varieties and application of fertilizer abroad are presented .

  29. 介绍了国外生产纯净钢的脱氧现状,比较了钡合金脱氧机理和脱氧能力及采用硅铝钡铁复合脱氧剂的综合冶炼效果。

    The present status of deoxidization was introduced in producing clean steel . The deoxidization mechanics and ability with Ba bearing alloys were compared and the synthesized effect by using Si-Al-Ba-Fe alloy was also investigated .

  30. 菲希特纳说:当德国增加投资时,我们的进口也会增多原因是机器部件必须在国外生产这将有助于降低经常账户盈余。

    Mr Fichtner said : When more is invested in Germany , we will import more simply because parts of machinery must be built abroad and that will contribute to a reduction of the current account surplus .