
  • 网络International Logistics Enterprise;logistics enterprise
  1. 本文分析了国际物流企业人才的知识结构,并提出学校培养与企业在职培训模式的关键所在。

    This paper analyses the talent 's knowledge structure of international logistics enterprise and points out the key of teaching pattern of high school and enterprise training mode .

  2. 国际物流企业在港口开展国际联运业务时,手续繁多、情况复杂多变。

    International logistics enterprises doing business through ports , procedure is more complicated and situation is more various .

  3. 在危机中调整管理理念成为国际物流企业未来成功的关键点。

    Adjusting the managing ideas in the crisis becomes a key point to the future success of the international logistics enterprises .

  4. 在国内,第三方物流在基础设施、人才培养和管理水平等方面都和发达国家的国际物流企业有着较大的差距。

    In domestic logistics field , there is a large gap with the developed countries in term of the infrastructure , talents cultivation and management expertise .

  5. 第五章在了解国际物流企业人力资源管理最新进展基础上,提出了适合物流企业运作的人力资源开发和管理模式。

    In the fifth chapter , based on the latest development of international logistic , we bring forward the models which are suitable for the practice of human resources development and management for the domestic corporate .

  6. 在这种全球化的背景之下,许多国际物流企业在寻求国际间的合作,纷纷建立跨国物流网络,利用先进物流技术以求与国际通用的物流标准保持一致。

    Under the " global " background , more and more international logistics companies are seeking for the international cooperation . They set up the logistics network covering many countries and make avail of the advanced logistics technology to comply with the common logistics standards in the international trade .

  7. 同时由于资产规模较小、服务地域不广,因此在物流服务的声誉方面缺乏可信度。面对加入WTO之后涌入的国际大型物流企业,我国企业在物流服务的竞争上面处于弱势。

    However , these TPL companies featured by small assets scale and service geographic scope , lack of quality and reliability in logistics service , have no advantage over international logistics group after entering WTO .

  8. 到目前为止,许多国际知名物流企业如FedEx、TMT、DHL、UPS业已纷纷抢滩我国的物流市场,国内的物流企业正面临着国际物流企业的严重冲击。

    So far , many famous international logistics enterprises such as FedEx , TNT , DHL , UPS industry in China has subordinate of logistics market , domestic logistics enterprises are faced with the severe impact international logistics enterprises .

  9. 国际物流是企业在世界范围内生产和分销产品时为取得竞争优势和规模效益在国与国之间进行的物流运作。

    Global logistics is a kind of logistical management that enterprise builds a competitive advantage in the world as producing and marketing .

  10. 摘要我国的物流企业与国际先进物流企业相比,在管理技术、市场占有率、优化客户资源和信息服务水平等方面存在很大差距。

    There are a lot of differences between domestic and the advanced international logistics industries in managerial technology , market share , optimizing customer 's resources and of information service .

  11. CILP每年在中国举办面对国内和国际物流、货代企业的业务合作会议,邀请海外企业参加;

    CILP hosts business cooperation conferences every year in China for logistics companies and freight forwarders both home and abroad and invites overseas companies to participate in .

  12. 它还反映出,多年来致力于中国出口的国际运输和物流企业已开始转向中国国内市场。

    It also reflects a shift by international transportation and logistics companies towards the Chinese domestic market after years focused on Chinese exports .

  13. 从事VMI配送的物流企业、从事国际采购配送的物流企业、从事进出境代理的物流企业。

    Logistics enterprises deal in VMI distribution , international purchasing distribution as well as in-and-out bound agent .

  14. 再者中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,许多国际性的物流服务企业都己计划如何打入中国的物流服务市场。

    Moreover , when China has been a member of World Trade Organization ( WTO ), many international logistics company will enter into the logistics service markets of China , then there will have a great competition to Hong Kong third-party logistics companies .

  15. 作为一门新兴产业,我国物流业起步较晚,市场有待规范和完善,具备国际竞争实力的物流企业缺少。

    As a new industry , the logistics industry in China started late , the market to be standardized and improved international competitiveness with the lack of logistics enterprises .

  16. 通过企业文化建设、创建学习型组织、完善企业内部制度等保障措施,将发展战略落到实处,最终使锦程公司发展成为我国国际物流行业的领先企业。

    By constructing the corporate culture , establishing study type organization , perfecting enterprise internal system etc , we perform the above strategy to make JC TRANS in the leading position of logistics field .

  17. 目前市场经济已经进入消费多样化、生产柔性化、流通高效化的时代,形成了国际物流体系与物流企业完善供应链必须相一致的新格局。

    Into the consumer market economy has diversified , flexible production , distribution and efficient era , the formation of the international logistics system and logistics companies to improve supply chain must be consistent with the new pattern .

  18. 企业以出口模式进入国际市场,有形产品的国际物流将是企业必须面对的一个重要工作环节。

    The international physical distribution is an important work that the small and medium - sized enterprises have to face when they act as exporters .